Snow.......Makes Me Hungry

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Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
I can't believe it ! We're actually getting snow ! Opening day of muzzleloader season, and they're calling for 2 feet of snow ! We don't get a lot of the fluffy stuff, here in Md. With snow, comes............. cast iron pancakes ! Wish I could have you all over, to share !


About 1 foot down, another foot to go !


Fry baby, fry !


The finished product ! Now I have to go shovel some snow. Nah, a nap sounds better, might as well wait until it stops :D .
Jeff, There don't look like any foot prints going into the out house in your picture. There is something on its way for the flapjacks. Don't over do it shoveling. I'll take a nap for you. Steve
Hey Steve, I have a package for you, too........ that's why you don't see any footprints.............. :p :roll: :lol:
Mrs callshot here. Just had a look at your pancakes while I was eating some of my own. They were from an 8 AM breakfast that sixshot perticipated in preparing. They were just as good as what yours looked like. I understand he loaded callshot up extra heavy. :D Of course, he cleaned his plate! :D :D
Hey Mrs. C, I bet you had yours with huckleberry syrup :D . If Dick made those pancakes, I'm sure they were made with love, and of gigantic proportions. Wish I were there to cook a special meal, just for you !

I need to get back to shoveling snow, instead of shoveling my face :oops:

Take care, Jeff


19 1/2 " and counting. Still coming down strong !
Come get the snow blower. It takes most of the work out of the South of the border drag line that you are leaning on. Steve :eek: :oops:
Making me hungry. Got a good N'oreaster blowing here on Cape Cod. Wind gusts have been in the 50mph plus range. Snow depth well over a foot and still comming down, with some areas in the 18-20 inch range near me.
Jeff, looks like you guys are really getting pounded back there, better stay inside & eat some more pancakes, I call them flippers & make them from scratch using my sourdough recipe.
For the big feed yesterday (church breakfast) we fed well over 100 people, along with ham & scrambled eggs. Half of the pancakes had fresh huckleberries sprinkled on top, although these weren't made with sourdough. Callshot has a funny way of circling back for seconds.....or thirds!
Also made a dutchoven blackberry cobbler with a cup of huckleberries mixed in & gave it to our friends at El Toro.

Have a merry Christmas buddy!!

Northeast of you, above "the other beltway." We got a little of that white stuff too. :D
Sam here, I read about the pancakes and snow, since we had about 14" of snow at my place in Flat Rock that day Paula (my wife) and I decided that would make a great evening meal.
We cooked a pound of bacon and a half dozen pancakes. While we were devoring the pancakes and a half pound of bacon the beagle struck. Being as long and tall as he is he surpasses 32 inches tall standing on his hind legs. Paula had pushed the bacon back from the front of the counter as far as she could but it proved not far enough. That K9 ate a half pound of bacon and the paper towels we drained it on. Snow gets his appetite up too.
Merry Christmas.
Hey Sam ! Glad to see you got yourself signed up, and logged on . It will be great to hear from you in the posts and responses. Besides, Callshot needs more help keeping himself out of trouble. Merry Christmas, and hope to hear from you soon :D :D :