Yes, its the info ( data) that is installed ( posted) and we take on its own merits...BUT may be wrong, misleading or a "fake" much as the pictures that are often sent ( seen) that are doctored ( photo shopped) etc, and again, a total "falsehood" thus , does cause concern ( untrust) of the computer ingeneral, as well as all the "sickos" out there that ply their nasty deeds to any and all, again, "trust"??? sorry, I know the girls ( folks) in the "old key punch" did their jobs and they I trusted, as we could go and talk with them "directly" as to problems, info.......
The "lack" of care, updates, mis-info, by ANY , including Ruger ,goes right back to this "trust" as well.........
what I "see" on the screen, may NOT really be the "real thing"....and this "operator" has pretty good eyes..........just MY .02 cents
Thank you, Chet15, I can count on YOUR listing, for the most part ( you too are "there" to answer ANY question or correction....) :wink: