Single Six fixed sights changing

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Jul 2, 2009
New Hampshire
I probably know the answer to this already but on the offchance I'm wrong - is there any reasonable way to put adjustable, or even different fixed sights on hte rear of my fixed sight Single Six?
If you change the rear,,, it'll be higher than the original,,, so you'll also have to change the front. All that costs more $$ so as mentioned,,, if a fixed sighted gun isn't for you,, sell or swap it. Of course,,,, me,,,, I never sell or swap any of my Rugers,,, I just buy another one.
I'm with 'J.D.' thats the choice/option........or customize it and booger the long term value......not a hard choice for me, and I WAS in the business doing that.........I know the customer is "always" right,but NO thought given for "down the road....." :roll:
Depends. Is it the true fixed-sight model with the hog wallow in the frame or the dovetail rear sight? If it's the former, David Clements can add a pre-war S&W style adjustable rear sight and custom front sight for about $200. If it's the latter, you're stuck with it and shame on you for wanting to change it. ;)
nick, no matter which it is , the early :dovetailed ; or the "later" grooved ,ala Colt ( Vaquero) it would need to be welded up, remachined to cut a slot for the longer tang style ,UNLESS you use the old fashioned 'Micro' that does fit the "existing" 'dovetail' but you still have to rework the front sight blade or "sight body to "match" ( regulate) to the now much higher rear sight...thats why the "custom" boys weld them up, remachine the groove ( slot) and try to mount the rear sight asssembly as LOW as they can, to make it "work"( regulate) as well as "look better",....them "high sights' makes the front sight look like a "can opener" and they "eat holsters alive"........

yes, enough money and you can make ANYTHING happen, but your question was to keep the cost low, so easier and cheaper to swap it off or sell it and buy the adjustable version, HANDS down, any day of the week....... :wink:

OK Flatgate, time for YOUR "picture"..... 8)
ok, this old model "dovetail" rear sight is something I've been thinking about the past couple of weeks for a possible future project. RugerGuy has kind of touched on it but here is what I was thinking.

the early O.M.s have the dovetail rear sight. There's your windage adjustment.

What if you installed a front sight that has interchangeable front blades (weigands, Jim Stroh, or an FA front sight system) for your vertical adjustment?

My one concern is if you can get one of the bases with a low enough profile that it will work with the factory ruger rear sight. I'm sure there are other options as well, such as dove-tail cut in the the barrel and then use different height blades. this would also give you windage adjustment up front as well.

but as mentioned, the least expensive alternative is probably to buy an adjustable sight single six.
rugerguy":13yuqd39 said:
nick, no matter which it is , the early :dovetailed ; or the "later" grooved ,ala Colt ( Vaquero) it would need to be welded up, remachined to cut a slot for the longer tang style
Big difference in the cost depending on whether it has the dovetail rear sight or the hog wallow. With the hog wallow, no welding is necessary, which is why Clements is able to do it with a custom front sight for a measly $200. He designed his new proprietary rear sight specifically for that welding. The dovetail topstrap WILL require welding and that will add to the cost immensely. Bowen gets at least $500 just for a topstrap conversion, additional for the new front sight. I just wouldn't see the purpose in doing that.

c.r.":13yuqd39 said:
My one concern is if you can get one of the bases with a low enough profile that it will work with the factory ruger rear sight.
It's a good idea but I don't think it would be possible. I talked to Stroh about doing a .327 on my .32 Bisley with the dovetail rear sight. He says he does not silver solder bases on anymore and thus, all his bases are a little taller than usual. We both agreed that the best course would be to use a dovetail front sight base with a pinned blade. The Weigand base is also fairly tall.

On second thought, Clements' front sight base might be low enough to work with a short blade. Using his FA-style setscrew base.

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