Single Six fixed sight shooting high

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Jul 16, 2009
Orange, Ca
SS Old Model, fixed sights. Both I and a friend shooting CCI 22mags at 7 yards. Decent groups, but always 2" HIGHER than the aimpoint.

This is the ugly duckling 6 1/2" barrel I got about 3 weeks ago. It's a shooter, and has enough holster wear that it's not a collectable.. :)

QUESTION: Was thinking about carefully filing the rear sight slot, shooting, measuring, etc to pull the group down...

I called a gunsmith - was not too interested - said send it back to Ruger.
Not wild about them putting in the transfer bar, etc...

Obviously, I'm not the first guy since 1956 to have this issue. What's the standard procedure? But, haven't seen other posts like this....searched back a few years (not 54 years tho!!).

BTW - Front and rear sights look fine - no damage/don't appear to be shifted, etc. - front sight still has crisp serrations on rear...

Thanks - orangeusa
(should this be in smithing??)
I bought a cherry old model not long ago. With the 22LR cylinder and ammo it shot pretty much to point of aim. With the mag cylinder and ammo was about 4" high at 25 yds, much worse at 50. I could not get any ammo to shoot with any kind of accuracy to suit me. The mags were more accurate than the LR's but way high. I couldn't see filing the sights for mags only to make it worthless for LR's. I my opinion, the interchangeable cylinders, without adjustable sights was a very bad idea. I finally traded it for a MkIII, couldn't be happier.
I think the old guys of my youth called it "drawing a fine bead", meaning in the sight picture, place the front sight low in the rear sight's notch. Experimenting will help.


A fix sighted s.s. requires a lot of practice :!: :!: I also use the fine bead & 6 o'clock method your gun may not be collector quality but I personally would not start filing on the gun :) your gun is not that bad looking --I would buy adjustable sight gun first :D I just hate to file on org.single six's :x I believe you can get that 2 inches down keep trying --take your time :wink:
yes, in most cases this front sight has been "filed' down, but you say yours is "crisp" said above, ,my guess is YOUR "hold".........I'd have otehrs test fire and make sure it's "sandbagged", then you may just have to put in ( press in) a new, higher front sight , and then adjust ( regulate it)....
I do not like to file my sights either. And filing the rear sight notch will not change anything anyway. But since your gun is worn, if you want to adjust by filing, you need to take off the top surface of the rear sight blade, not the notch.

But like was said above, let another shoot it 1st. It may be your personal sight picture that's off.

Also, I'd try different brands of 22 ammo until you find one that your gun likes and shoots to point of aim.
Yeah, was a bit hasty there... Comes from working on cars, telescope stuff where you're always hacking and fiddling... :)

You folks are the greatest. I got NOS 22mag and 22lr cylinders from members and will try them today.

Just was a bit surprised that both of us (myself and my buddy) shot the same. And you're right, could be my grip.

Am used to bigger semi-auto handguns - P90 and Beretta 92FS, and this little grip is taking a bit of time to get used to ...

Still couldn't be happier with it... :)

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