single six convertible

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Aug 2, 2009
Does anybody know if Ruger will sell and install a 22 magnum cylinder for an old style single six?
You will get a more accurate answer by calling them. However, with the cost of shipping, parts, and labor, I could see that job easily costing a few hundred dollars.
They certainly will. They'll insist that the "Conversion Kit" lockwork be installed, as well.

As suggested, call Newport and inquire.

Didn't the very early single-six non-magnum/non-convertible models have a bore a couple thousandths smaller than the magnum or convertible models? If true, and if this one is old enough, adding a magnum cylinder would also require a new barrel.

Also, as flatgate stated, they're going to install the conversion, so you'd better remove and keep all the original lockwork if you decide to go through with it.
It bothers me that Ruger will alter someone's private property without their permission whether it's converting an OM to transfer bar or replacing (and not returning) aftermarket parts.
wwb":34lcq2ca said:
Didn't the very early single-six non-magnum/non-convertible models have a bore a couple thousandths smaller than the magnum or convertible models? If true, and if this one is old enough, adding a magnum cylinder would also require a new barrel.

When Ruger's .22 Mag Single-Sixes came out, they immediately started printing that guns with a serial number under 150000 could not be fitted with a .22 Mag. cylinder. Yes, the difference was .002" bore and the same on the groove diameter.
Thanks for your replies. I called and found out that they will and it cost $148 total.
However, I have to consent to allow the trigger modification but was told that all original parts would be returned.
My question is has anyone had this done and do they really return the parts. If they do can a local gunsmith return it to its original form?
I bought 22 ruger micro sighted gun in Sudbury, Ontario Canada---- owner had to send gun to Ruger for conversion before shipment to Alabama--- He put note in box please return old parts took nearly year :shock: because of all paper work dealing with feds. letting gun in states----- took year !!!!! but gun in box ---factory stags :) so it was worth the wait & put the old 4 clicks back in gun when it got to deep south.
LSU.... if you give us the size ( overall length) of the cylinder that is now in your gun, maybe one of us, may have a "spare" cylinder for you, that woulkd cost a LOT "less" than $100 plus ......... :roll:
It measures 1 3/8 inches on my tape and a hair longer than 1.4 inches on my reloading calipers.
Both cylinders were fluted and I need the magnum.
What about this "timing" I keep reading about that a cylinder will only work in the one pistol?
LSU - you need to provide the cylinder length to the nearest .001". "A hair longer than 1.4 inches....." aint gonna work.

If you do send it in to Ruger, and you have to consent to the transfer bar modification (as you said), then it's very simple.... just decline the modification. There's no good reason to have it done, especially if you're going to then pay somebody to restore it to the original configuration. The general feeling among three-screw owners is that it's a crime against humanity to have the transfer bar installed. If you're gonna do that, just go out and buy a New Model - you'll have no trouble selling the three-screw for close to break even money.

Load one, skip one, load four, cock & lower.
Niether is simple. There are no other lines on the calioper that it matches. The tape is on the line.
If Ruger would let me decline I would have sent it to them. That is not an option, if they do the work, they modify. Also I am not sure from my conversations with them if the replacement cylinder would be fluted. One says yes just like the original and the other says I think so.
I still need to find out more about "timing" since I can get an old style fluted mag cylinder that has never been fired. Any help here would be appreciated. If it won't work then I hope somebody has had ruger do a replacement and can verify that they returned the old parts and were able to return it to the original.
Thank everybody for their help.
wwb- Ruger has told me they will not perform ANY work on an un-converted OM. They insist it be converted.
LSU- a nm or om cylinder will fit but the om has a firing pin groove that keeps the firing pin from contacting the cylinder face in the case of thumb slippage. Most cylinders will interchange due to the slop factor built into the guns. The length is the one dimension that is needed to be "fitted". If you buy a cylinder that matches or is .002 close either way to your existing you should be OK. If slightly long it can be shortened by removing materal of the front bushing surface. Just check the chamber alignment with the forcing cone on each stop before firing. Or if you don't feel experienced enough, have a shop or gunsmith check for you. Most will do it for free if they recognize you as a regular customer.
With a range rod - if you don't have one next best is by eyeball with a strong light from the recoil shield end of the cylinder. Looking to see how the chamber aligns from looking down the bbl. As long as there is no major lip or edge showing, with the hammer back and the cly locked, you are OK.
I've also used a hard wood dowel that fits the barrel snugly - not tight and if it goes into the chamber it is ok.
Removing the conversion kit lockwork and reinstalling the original lockwork is a very easy task. The disassembly procedure is printed in the owner's manual.

"a hair longer than 1.4 inches" is funny, I don't care who you are.... :D

Flatgate--most hair I have measured with tool at work measures about .003 human hair that is :) we were bored so got to checking our hair :roll: WE do not get to shoot out window at critters where I work :p

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