have seen where several have asked about this. Yesterday at the range I had two Rugers--a MKIII "Hunter" with the 6"+ barrel and a new single six "Hunter" with the 7 1/2" barrel. Red dot on the MKIII and a Bushnell 2-6x scope on the SS. On the 50 yard range, the MKIII was throwing 20 rounds into a 1/2 dollar size hole while the SS was working me to keep them in a 4" circle. It may just be me, I haven't shot a revolver in years and the single action was a first also. Needless to say tho, I didn"t come home very happy with the revolver. There were three brands of ammo used and I got about the same results with the magnum cylinder. Today the SS was doing about what the mK did yesterday only I was on the 15 yd range. Somebody tell me this is going to get better!!