single six 5.5 vs. 6.5 single six

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Howe Brook

May 25, 2009
Aroostook county Maine
I'm sure this has been discussed to death, but I can't find the figures I want. does anybody know the muzzle energy and ft lbs and trajectory difference with a average 22. magnum cartridge. between the 6 and a half barrel compared to a 5.5 barrel on a single six? Is the extra inch worth being somewhat cumbersome. I thought they both balanced well in my hand. I am interested in strictly stainless if that makes a difference.
Nah, don't bother worrying about miniscule differences. Get the one that makes you "feel good".

Learn to shoot whichever you choose and you'll NEVER be unhappy.

Or, to quote Mr. John Taffin, buy 'em both!

I have 6-1/2" and 9-1/2" Ruger Single-Sixes and both are a real "hoot".

The 6-1/2" fits under a shirt or jacket in it's shoulder holster. The longer barreled example is best carried, for me, in a cross draw holster. I used either/both lengths for MANY YEARS while working on a ski hill. The Rockchucks dropped like flies when I did my part.

They're just so good, it doesn't matter which one you pick.

I've got my eye on a 4 5/8" convertable. :wink:

I recall reading years ago, maybe White Labs, that it takes a minimum of 6.5 inches of barrel to "attain magnum velocities...." oh well, too miniscule for us to worry......... :roll:
Me, I'd go for the 'feel/comfort' as said above..........( or better yet, which gun is MORE accurate for YOU...)
Howe Brook":2anng4er said:
Thanks guys, a friend of mine has both in blued versions. I'll have to try his out. Would the weight be similiar between blued and stainless versions?

An educated guess: perhaps an ounce or an ounce and half difference between the two blued guns. I have an ultra sensitive veterinary scale that we used to weight newborn puppies and chart their daily weight gain with.

Earlier this year I weighed all my handguns (loaded and unloaded) and the results was an eye-opener. :roll: then my hard drive went south and I LOST all the data, cuz I never made a back up copy :shock:

I have a 6 1/2 blue but my 5 1/2 is stainless and weighs a lot more (kinda like comparing apples and lug nuts).

I hate to say it, but between the two I have, I prefer the 6 1/2 incher. It balances better then the stainless revolver.
I have a feelin the blued guns balance better. I prefer stainless cuz I don't feel guilty if It does'nt get cleaned immediately after being used. Plus it would match my MKIII hunter :wink:
I am relatively new to the Ruger S/A world, but maybe this will help. A friend of mine came for a visit and brought a Colt Frontier Scout .22LR with a 4 3/4 inch barrel. It was more fun to shoot than I can possibly describe. Prior to that, I had absolutely no interest in the shorter barrel-length models (the 9 1/2 inch is really entertaining). This experience changed all that.

The stainless models are considerably heavier in the hand, especially when compared side-by-side. Just as much fun, nevertheless.

As far as Flatgate's statement ("Nah, don't bother worrying about miniscule differences. Get the one that makes you "feel good"), that would seem to be very good advice.

Ultimately, this discussion is pointless, however. You will end up wanting all of them.
