Single-Six .22LR/.22Mag Accurizing

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Nov 6, 2004
I have a SS 5.5" Single-Six that I'm "tuning", and have finished up the action work on,finally. The cylinder "wobble" is minimal both cocked and un-cocked, thankfully. I'm going to install a partridge-style front sight which will hopefully give me a better sight picture. I'm wondering what else I can do to help accuracy. I've heard good and bad about replacement basepins. Maybe a "target-style" barrel crown and throat polishing ?
Does it shoot THAT bad? One thing you might check into is Paco Kelly's Accurizer. Meb'be someone will be along and post a link...
I like the patridge sights but see no reason to put a partridge (bird) on the gun... :D sorry, I just couldn't resist......

Some throat polishing, if done properly, could help. As Redstick mentioned, Paco's Accurizer can help. It's a tool that, via a punch and die combo, actually increases the diameter of the .22 LR bullets.

Info available HERE.

Have you checked your chamber to bore alignment after your "tightening procedures"? If the cylinder is "tight" then those cylinder throats had better be dead center on the bore.........


The gun shoots pretty well, I'd just like to get all it has to give w/o sending it out if possible. The "tuning" was confined strictly to the trigger mechanism, along with new RP springs. The cylinder stop and basepin are un-altered. I'd like to use it for small game hunting (woodchucks, tree-rats) at closer ranges. I know trying different ammo may get me "there" also...and I haven't tried any magnum ammo yet either. Suggestions ?
The 6.5" OM Single Six that fired this group has had it's trigger tuned to 2.5 lbs otherwise there's no "accuracy enhancing" modifications. I have a 5.5" NM that will do almost as well with the right ammo. I think they can shoot alongside the autos in regard to accuracy depending on the shooter....JMO, Dennis
I guess maybe I need to try some different ammo and find one the gun really likes. That's some decent velocity for .22 mag, do these guns shoot magnum ammo better than LR usually ?
MEJETSKI2000":1xlaxedh said:
I guess maybe I need to try some different ammo and find one the gun really likes. That's some decent velocity for .22 mag, do these guns shoot magnum ammo better than LR usually ?
Other way around I'd say. This sixgun shoots equally well with Wolf match/target or Amer Eagle 38 gr HP .22 LR ammo. (BTW, the WMR group was fired from the same (rechambered) chamber all five shots) Likely the WMR velocity would be even better with a tighter barrel/cyl gap. The cyl swap done on this gun has somewhat generous gap but I like the way it shoots. My NM 5.5" shoots LR somewhat more accurately than WMR, WMR groups run around 2" with it. And yes, I'd say it's well worth trying different ammo to find what your gun likes....JMO, Dennis
Thanks Dennis, I have 3 brands of LR and Winchester 40gr .22 MAG to test. The Win Mag seems to have real good reviews..

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