Sights on the 1st Model Vaquero

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Nov 26, 2009
Fort Collins, CO
I know this is probably a dumb question, but here goes. I have an original Vaquero in 45 Colt. I really like this gun but my eyes are getting to the point that anything past 50 feet is hard to get a consistent focus with those fixed sights.

Phil Sharpe in his early 1930's volume on reloading mentioned in passing about a gentleman with an old time Colt that had special sights put on for target shooting.

That got me to thinking. Is it possible, or does anyone know how I might get the functional equivalent of the "One Ragged Hole" sight on this type of revolver?
A good gunsmith can install adjustable sights on your Vaquero, but I don't know whether a One Ragged Hole blade would fit them. Typically, S&W rear sights or a similar sight David Clements makes are paired with a taller front sight. Here's a pic of the rear sight Mr. Clements makes and installs:


A less expensive option is to carefully open up the rear of your existing fixed sight with a file so you can see a little more daylight around the front sight.
POWER CUSTOM made replacement front sights in .125 width and two heights. The first VAQUERO I have refinished will have them installed and the "hog wallow" opened up with a little leeway to adjust with a file.

The oem sights are authentic, but they aren't very good. I can get half the group size with a BLACKHAWK with the same barrel length and the same ammo as the VAQUERO....and I shoot my VAQUEROS/BISLEY VAQUEROS almost every day if the weather permits. (I just don't like to shoot in rain or snow or below 20 degrees!)