MSM is controlled by the left, is very powerful and definitely biased. The right, who is the underdog in this fight, feels justified in slanting things in their favor in order to keep up (if you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck). Everyone tends to believe, or at least repeat the lies they like better. The production of the 'news' has been slicked up to the point it rivals reality TV, they know how to play on people's emotions and it's all about ratings (should commercials be aired during news casts?). The days of civil discussions between the two sides among friends seem to be long gone, and we can no longer talk about it rationally with friends and family without becoming emotional. In my opinion the shift to a far right and far left with very little middle of the road, with no tolerance for 'the other side' started with Obama. With technology what it is today, doctored photographs, altered voice recordings, subliminal messages, irresponsible reporting and AI, a lot of us don't believe anything they see or hear anymore, and some only believe what they want to hear as long as it supports their views and take it as gospel. People say, as I have told people, don't believe what you see or hear on the news, but do your own research, but where do you research, and how reliable and accurate is that? We are all being manipulated by both sides, but for myself and 99% of the people I associate with or care about, conservative values make the most sense
Like Dennis Prager says, conservatism tends to be based in facts, logic, and a proven track record, and liberalism tends to be based on 'what feels good', or something along those lines. I don't think even the staunchest of libs are anxious to debate their views with a well prepared conservative, because they have nothing that makes any sense to support their argument, and I think they know it.
Don't believe a thing they SAY, but watch what they DO. And as a good friend and economist tells me, 'follow the money, and you'll find the truth'.