Sick of Bias NEWS CRAP!

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May 29, 2011
I reached a point where I was just sick of Bias, untruthful news. Not bad too read something that leans some what to the left or right. But Personally I seek to read Articles around the World that go down the Middle in reporting. Most of all I want FACTUAL/HONEST reporting. (yes it does exist) I was recommended the Source below from a friend and highly suggest anyone that wants to learn about news across the world to get the subscription. I am not in anyway affiliated with this. Just became a member and huge eye opener. Here is a link if interested.



Jul 4, 2023
To quote an old Simon & Garfunkle song "I get the news I need on the weather report" so my phone and PC only have weather station links. I get OTA TV and thankfully I still can and do skip the news stations completely.

The vicious personal attacks from both left and right sides (even on some gun forums) show that the possibility of civility ever coming back is gone.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
what the law suit with FOX news showed, and I don't think it is just Fox is that the major news outlets report what they think their audience wants to see. .... it's not that they are so much bias but they only report the news their marketing experts think those watching want to see so that 'you / we' will keep watching through the advertisements.....Fox's problem was two of their talking heads reported something that the editors new was false an instead of stopping them they let them keep reporting it and this went all the way to the top.
Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
To quote an old Simon & Garfunkle song "I get the news I need on the weather report" so my phone and PC only have weather station links. I get OTA TV and thankfully I still can and do skip the news stations completely.

The vicious personal attacks from both left and right sides (even on some gun forums) show that the possibility of civility ever coming back is gone.
Gnappi is right. BOTH sides are slanted. When some news outlets claim to be unbiased and then sneak in a few well placed adjectives that have a slanted connotation, well, there you go. It's biased.

And the trouble is, both sides think they are correct and the other side is leading American down a deep dark hole.

Question to the OP: About the link you shared. Is this website a news agency, or do they just compile the news from different sources? I saw headlines from different places. Does this mean they review the news stories and tell you if it's biased or not?

el caminero

Jun 25, 2023
West of the rockies
I reached a point where I was just sick of Bias, untruthful news. Not bad too read something that leans some what to the left or right. But Personally I seek to read Articles around the World that go down the Middle in reporting. Most of all I want FACTUAL/HONEST reporting. (yes it does exist)
Benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson both hated what trump called fake news. Look up the history of the yellow press, and yellow print. Tabloid bumf.


Dec 25, 2015
Western NC
For many years, I watched/listened to as much news as I could, and read several newspapers on Sunday, and 1 or 2 each other day of the week. I'll check out the link, as I've pretty much stopped with the biased outlets, and just use a few websites on a limited basis.
As for the bias, yes, I've seen it on both sides, but the left is much further from the truth. Because they comprise a majority of the media, I've noticed that many don't notice (or refuse to notice) the severity of the bias.


Sep 8, 2010
I caught the National news lying or grossly mistaken about so many things as far back as 40 years ago. That! was just the things I felt I was knowledgeable of at the the time.
That made me think, my goodness, how many other subjects are they reporting about that I don't have enough knowledge of to trust them.

I don't know how long ago the news was unbiased reporting, or if it ever was.

el caminero

Jun 25, 2023
West of the rockies
I caught the National news lying or grossly mistaken about so many things as far back as 40 years ago. That! was just the things I felt I was knowledgeable of at the the time.
That made me think, my goodness, how many other subjects are they reporting about that I don't have enough knowledge of to trust them.

I don't know how long ago the news was unbiased reporting, or if it ever was.
35 years ago, alan stang report stated like 85% of the u.s media is owned (or otherwise controlled by) The Left.
Lenin ordered his ilk to buy-up the western press, and stalin added radio to that order.
Guess who owned the first tv stations in america? RCA's own Mr Sarnoff, a born lithuanian.
May 29, 2011
It appears that the radical left is controlled by the Marxist radicals like Soros etc, while the radical right becomes the deep state and Chickenhawks. With that you also have the most Powerful Lobby Group AIPAC which is basically the Soros or money strong arm of the Radical Right.
What it comes down to is the fact that most Americans on both sides are Sheep
Is seems the pendulum cans swing to both sides. And the fact that both are like poison or drug addictions. For example, you start reading a slightly left or slightly right viewpoint and they slowly start leading more into the FAR LEFT or FAR RIGHT as time continues and the viewer becomes radicalized.
It is also like a weather Pattern, El Nino vs La Nina. Summer vs Winter. Each one starts off small but then rises to high levels then slowly dies out.
On their Extremism rise is the Woke Crap and on the Right War Crap.
As a person that desires the truth, he will have to read both sides and find the answers in the Middle Ground. The Middle Ground is there, you just have to find it. There are radicals and Narrow minds on both sides.

A interesting example. If you dare say anything against BLM, you were labeled a Racist by the Radical Left. If you say anything against Israel you are labeled a Racist by the Radical Right. It is all part of the game. Propaganda and Censorship from both sides.
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Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
I don't think it is any kind of plan.. left or right... it is just a part of the human condition that groups will tend to lean a certain way and more often than not the can't even see it.

One of the interesting parts of this is we tend to believe what we want to believe.... and so when a news article comes out about something we already have a prejudice toward we will believe it even when we are told multiple times it is wrong.

Just like gunzo above.... I feel I'm only an expert in two subjects... guns and chimneys... every time I read or see an article about either there are mistakes in it. More often than not just that the reporter wrote something wrong. But if they always make a mistake in an article about something I know about, what about all the stuff 'they' write that I don't really know about and am relying on them to inform me?

el caminero

Jun 25, 2023
West of the rockies
One cannot "average" the news, since it is all truncated and cut on a slant (ask yer wife, or mother, about "cut on the bias"), aa well as stretched, and as some have shown, "manufactured from whole cloth" which means the same fabric the emperor wore in the childrens fable.
It helps to be informed, and do one's research, and have a strong Smoke detector. You know Smoke, since BS is short for Blowing Smoke. As i have said, as a schoolboy since before the sheldon charater's actor was born, "i am not a knowitall; i just know a lot of things about a lot of stuff". Still awaiting my royaltee cheques on that one....

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