Shot the .32 SS Today

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The Happy Kaboomer

Sep 25, 2008
With .32 S&W longs. Seemed hard to eject spent casing until I saw how tight the tolerences are. There's very little room for the case head and it has to lined up just right or it won't come out. None of my other Rugers are like this. I reckon this is caused by shoe horning a bigger cartridge into a smaller gun.
good deal! man i picked up a new birdhead 32 thursday evening, and haven't got to shoot it yet. i finally got out and scrouged up 3 boxes of cartridges. i didn't realize they were gonna be so hard to find!

i am looking forward to shooting a little when the snow clears up!
Looks just like mine. I picked it up a while back and the closest I have gotten to ammo is 2 trays of small pistol primers. I could have bought a box of longs at Carter's I just wasn't willing to pay $31 plus tax for 50. My patience is grander than my wallet at this time.

I already cast and load for a S&W 32 hand ejector so I had some ammo. 32 H&R ammo is on my radar screen now and a new .32 swc mold.

Merry Christmas and may God Bless

Kaboomer, I have one of those S&W .32 longs on the I frame. Cute little bugger and a fun plinker. Sights kinda on the small side.

The .32 mag is a great gun to reload for. I shoot 8grs of 2400 and a 100gr cast SWC. Don't recall how I ended up with that combo, but it works for me.
I am getting ready to load up a batch of 32 H&R. A friend at work gave me a 100 rounds of new starline brass and I have some rnfp lead which I believe are 95 or 100 grains. I hope to get to it over Chistmas break. I have 2 single sixes in 32. I looked at a sp101 in 327 today at the gun show but they wanted 469 which I think is a little high.

i have some dies, and some projectiles, but i didn't have any 32 h&r brass. i found a box of ultramax rnfp cowboy stuff wednesday. it was 33 bucks, but i figured i would eventually round it down if i loaded it enough times! then, when i went to pick up the birdhead, i just happened to think to ask if they had any ammo, and they had 2 boxes of federal! one was 85g jhp, and the other was 95g rnfp. they let me have both boxes for 35 bucks! so, now i have three different loads to play with, and i have accumulated 150 brass. i found a bag of 100 starline brass at a recent gun show for 17.00, and i failed to buy them! i didn't realize brass was gonna be so hard to find! i guess the 150 will hold me, at least for a while!
Midway and Starline both show that they will have brass in stock next week, of course that date very well may be pushed back some. My local dealer has the 327 ammo in stock for 26.00 a box but not any H&R.

Cholo; You must haven't ever had a room full of cheerleaders! In my younger days,, I was a serious player,, and I had my fun. I also have several 32's,, so I can qualify to compare them. Nowadays,, by all means,, a 32 is better for my health,, but in my younger days,, I'd disagree with ya! :D
The 32 mag is a great gun,, and it has several good features. Pleasant to shoot, mild recoil, good trainer for ladies & youth, capable of taking small game, and definately worth every penny!
Got the same configuration in .357 and love it, have often admired the same in .32. I can tell you I've never photographed mine so nicely however.
Contender, a few years ago I took my boy to see an Atlanta Falcons football game. He said "Man, we're on the 15 yard line :( I said "Yeah, right in front of the cheerleaders!" It's only a matter of perspective.

Still love my Single Six .32 mag though, but I'd trade it for...never mind.

"and definately worth every penny!"

I won't tell Ms Penny you said that. Just how many women did you date named Penny?? :wink:
Only one Miss Penny,, but there have been a few others! :D
She's well aware I was a bit of a player in my younger years,, so it's a non-issue. (Honesty does work folks!)
Did I tell ya about the time I was only one of 4 guys on a long bus trip with a church group of girls,,,,,,,,,,,,????
Ahh, the long lost days of my youth,,,!
+1 on the cheerleader comments...ah those were the days (5 of the 7 if memeory serves...but I digress)...

back to the .32...I've had the same tight ejection tolerances expressed farther up the thread. But it's worth the hassle...a cute little piece the .32 that is...and a good performer. If you load for recoil sensitive types or teach new center fire shooters, the .32's are a good initiation to muzzle blast and a bit more recoil, a little like the M1 carbine in those depts.

Unique or 231, and any of the .312" cast bullets have worked well for me, especially Lyman's 311008 cast from wheel weights. This last is a big slug for such a short case, IMO, but worth the effort. I'm away for the holidays now, or I'd share the exact load.

Mine has the birds head grips as well, and they were almost a deal killer for me at the time. Didn't want to change 40+ yrs of habits..but I do like them now. They're very comfortable and make me wonder how they'd handle heavy recoil. Any of you shooters our there with a big bore, birds head? Just curious, Rodfac...eye candy below.
well, i got to shoot a few rounds today! what a sweet little gun! this is the first bird's-head i have ever shot, too, but i really liked it. i shot the federal 85 gr rnfp, and it hit dead-on point of aim. i think i am gonna like the little rascal!

i have my brass tumbling now. i think i am gonna load a few 90 gr jhc sierras over 4 gr of unique, and see how that does with point of aim.
"...ah those were the days (5 of the 7 if memeory serves...but I digress)..."

Rodfac, between you and me we got 'em all :wink:

Contender, it took one hell of a woman to settle you down! My hat's off to Miss Penny!! You always speak so highly of her, you need to say no more.

While I havn't quite settled down as much; to stay on topic, I can say the .32 mag Single Six is one great centerfire to hang out with.
Yeah,, I did settle down a bunch about 17-1/2 years ago. Before that,, I was,,,,,,, oh never mind,, we are getting off topic!
Love those sweet 32's! :D
Rodfac":rhfko7im said:
Any of you shooters our there with a big bore, birds head? Just curious, Rodfac...

I have the short barrel 45 colt with bird's head and don't see (or feel) much difference between them and the normal plow handle grip on my 44 Vaquero.