Shop Manuals for the Standard & Mark series

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Jan 26, 2008
Spring, Texas
Can anyone recommend a good shop manual for the Ruger standard and Mark series of .22 semi-autos?

Well, I would have said go to the "other" Ruger forum,, and get an IBOK. I've heard he's removed them all. I'm glad I've printed all of mine.
What kind of work are you wanting to do?
Thanks Contender. Yeah, I just found out yesterday that Iowegan has removed them all.

I don't have anything too ambitious in mind for now, but may in the future. Mostly I want to be able to disassemble and clean beyond the basic disassembly, especially stripping the bolt and firing pin. I don't know of any guides that go beyond the Ruger manual, although I'm sure they are out there.

Thanks Contender. Yeah, I just found out yesterday that Iowegan has removed them all.

I don't have anything too ambitious in mind for now, but may in the future. Mostly I want to be able to disassemble and clean beyond the basic disassembly, especially stripping the bolt and firing pin. I don't know of any guides that go beyond the Ruger manual, although I'm sure they are out there.

Ok, I can help a little.
I wouldn't get into total detailed disassembly unless I really needed to. Broken or damaged parts do need replacement,, but for general cleaning,, field strip & use a good brake or carb spray cleaner, (after you've removed the grips.) By just 'rinseing" out the action area you will be just fine. Just remember to add a light oil to the area after doing so.
As for the bolt & firing pin.
Once it's removed,, you can see a cross pin for the firing pin on the side of the bolt. Using care to push it out,, THERE IS A SPRING UNDER IT, you can push out the cross pin, and gently remove the firing pin & spring. Watch how it comes apart,, and you can reassemble it easily.
Another option;
JB Woods books; "Gun Digest of Disassembly & Reassembly," are an EXCELLENT bunch of books to use. You would need book #1 "Automatic Pistols" for the Ruger I believe. I'll check later.
I use my set often.