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Short Barrel

Mar 2, 2006
Yesterday morning I got a call from a friend who runs the ranch that I often hunt on and he claimed he saw a bighorn sheep.He swore he hadn't lost his mind but we both know there are no bighorns in that area-none.There are whitetails,mule deer,antelope and occasionally elk but no sheep.

I headed right out and met him.Well,there was a sheep and a big one.I'm no expert but I have put a tape on some and this is a big ram,knocking on the door of Boone and Crockett.

I don't know how he got there,in the middle of a valley,miles from the nearest sheep area and I don't know where he thought he was going.

We found out that he had been hit by a pickup the night before,on the dirt road where we parked to watch him.He was laying down for some time and I didn't think he was doing too well.

The pictures aren't real good as I was maybe 300 yds away with my little Nikon and I cropped these pictures.
He is noticeably more than a full curl.The pictures aren't good enough to tell his age but he has already broomed off 4-6" of each horn tip.
after about 20-30 minutes of watching him,he stood up,walked about 100 yds with no limp and no broken legs.He then jumped an almost 5' high barbed wire fence and started to feed.His hair wasn't roughed up nor do any of the photos show any sign of blood.He looked good.I hope he makes out OK.

Just before I left the Game warden rolled up.My friend had called him.It looked like the only thing to do was keep an eye on the ram and let him do his thing.
Jim, what a magnificent ram! Great photo's from that distance, I hope he makes it out of there without getting poached, hit by a car, etc.
You been working a lot, haven't seen you on the board?

He looks like he's sick in the first pic'... is that a natural behavior for a ram of his years? :?
That is pretty normal.They often lay their head on the ground also,because of the weight of their horns.
Short Barrel":lr57hrdh said:
That is pretty normal.They often lay their head on the ground also,because of the weight of their horns.

I would never question a person of your short barrel accuracy. :wink:
He is a very nice ram. Why don't you borrow a camera w/ longer lens or get closer, the resulting photo may well be the trophy of a lifetime!IMO Dr.C
The camera had an 18X was 300 yds away.To get closer would have been trespassing which in this state,can lose you your hunting privileges for 2 years.
Short barrel: Do you mean even with a camera, someone would make an issue over trespassing? You must have some pretty lousy neighbors. I would not expect that in Montana. Very dissapointing to hear. Dr.C

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