SFAR 6.5 Creedmore

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Dec 10, 2024
Franklin, PA
I just bought an SFAR 6.5, I've loved the caliber since its inception and was glad to see someone come out with one in the AR platform. I have a question relative to the setting on the gas block. Where is the number read from? The top or the side of the rifle.
Thanks Ray
No mention of this in the owners manual? Otherwise, can the gas valve be shut off? I've read about the system but can't remember. If the gas can be shut off, then one click open should be #1 & where that number shows up should be the viewing position. Confirm by clicking to 2, 3 & past 3, maybe meeting another hard stop.

Let us know when ya find out. And,,, Welcome to the forum!
"The current regulator setting can be determined by observing thenumber visible on the regulator through the right side of the handguard."