Security Six Article in American Rifleman ...

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Fond memories of the Security Six. It was my duty pistol in the mid 70's. Since I couldn't afford a S&W Mod 19 or 66 and we were issued old Model 10s, I bought a 4" stainless SS with my first paycheck. Police price was right around $100.

I sold it years later when I worked for another department and was issued a Glock 22.

A couple years ago I found a local guy who had a 2.5" stainless SS for sale and after some negotiations I traded him for it. He was an old copper who polished it inside and out. I would have preferred a 4" but it's a nice pistol. Very smooth action.

Dug out an old Bianchi holster to carry it.

I have a 4 inch but would prefer the 2.75 🤔 just throwing that out there 🤣

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