Security 9 accuracy

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Jul 4, 2003
I have a Security 9 and have a few hundred rounds through it. completely reliable.
One question. Mine is less accurate than I'd like. Now, I'm not the best shot and I can admit my faults but I put 50 rounds through it today and compared to my American 9 I carry at work, it was a shotgun.

Is mine a fluke?
I remember a few years ago Guns Magazine did a review of them and the main complaint was its lack of accuracy. Maybe you have one of the earlier ones made before the improvements.
Scotsman1886 said:
I have a Security 9 and ... Mine is less accurate than I'd like.
Is mine a fluke?

I have almost 800 rds thru my Security9 since I bought it last year. And, while I wouldn't call mine a 'shotgun', there have been a few times when it seems I'm less accurate with it than my other guns. I'm not really sure why though more than likely it's just me. Below is a pic with 2 targets when I shot the S9 for the first time. FMJ rounds and it seemed to be about as good as I usually do. The JHP rounds though were a bit scattered.

I know I shoot the SR9e better than the Security9. Size? Weight? Longer sight radius? How they fit my hand? I don't know. But I do always seem to be less accurate with the S9.

There are 2 videos from hickok45 on youtube where he talks about the S9. His first video and he shot it like he shoots most guns - pretty dang accurate. But then his 'chapter 2' video of it a few months later and he missed quite a bit, esp. for him! He wasn't sure he could explain it.

fiasconva said:
Maybe you have one of the earlier ones made before the improvements.

I haven't heard about these 'improvements' ... can you tell me what they are? Curious.

Scottsman.... first suggestion is let someone else shoot it and see how they do. It could possibly be the gun but I would suggest it is how you are gripping it or where your finger is on the trigger. I've shot a number of different pistols over the years with varying results and have pretty much determined that more often than not it is me who is at fault.
Not sure about the Security 9, but the SR9 had a .356 barrel, a lot of the commercial 9mm is loaded with .354 diameter bullets, those do not give you the best accuracy. I would try a different brand of ammunition, check the specs on bullet diameter.
Does the gun have any "wiggle" between the muzzle of the barrel and the slide? There shouldn't be any, and it should lock up in the same position every time. There will be some vertical wiggle between the front end of the slide and the frame, but no more than about 1/32" or less, but that won't effect accuracy as long as the slide/barrel relationship remains the same between shots - dry firing or just racking the slide, is sufficient to determine this. Any slop between the barrel and the slide will effect accuracy since it will change the relationship between your front sight and the barrel.
I have no idea if any improvements were made or not but the claims of poor accuracy seemed to have gone away. They must have done something to fix the complaints.
Funny you should mention the wiggle. It has some. I had my partner shoot it with similar results. After several email exchanges with Ruger, I think I'm going to send it in and have their shop look at it.
I guess that is the best thing to do.... from what I've heard of Ruger what you will get back is a what can be considered a now custom gun. As for wiggle.... my experience:

I was out at Front Sight last year and took my new Sig P320 into the gun shop to see if they could lighten the trigger. The master gun smith with a big Glock tattoo on his arm decided the trigger was as good as it was going to get (for a Sig) but then showed me that the gun was not going to be accurate because when you pulled the trigger the rear of the slide moved a tad. I then went back and took the timed shooting test... my final score: 0-0-0. For those that don't know there are three sections and for any misses points are taken off.... the final score shows how many points to deduct.
Scotsman1886 said:
I have a Security 9 and have a few hundred rounds through it. completely reliable.
One question. Mine is less accurate than I'd like. Now, I'm not the best shot and I can admit my faults but I put 50 rounds through it today and compared to my American 9 I carry at work, it was a shotgun.

Is mine a fluke?

I replaced the recoil spring and rod with a heavier stainless model from a joint whose name starts with G in NC. I believe it helped. I ordered the 17# spring model. I can't remember how to post pics here or I'd put up my range visit after the spring change.

I find it more controllable for me than my v1.0 M&P Shield with Apex trigger.

My limited experience.... guns are different and some of those can effect how well (accurate) a gun shoots depending on the user.... first is the grip and this along with how one holds that grip as well as where your finger is placed on the trigger each shot will effect where the rounds hit. It is hard to see with iron sights... but a good red dot will show the point of aim changing just a fraction as the trigger is pulled.

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