Scratches on Blackhawk hammer

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I'm still wondering why Ruger hasn't corrected the turn line on the cylinder. Drives me nuts! I know there's a pin modification solution, and also a polished cylinder and cylinder stop help… but I'd think a factory solution is about 45 years overdue!

Didn't mean to change the subject…Joey, good job on taking care of the cause, and effective!
A friend has a S&W model 14-3, 8 3/8" barrel. He brought it to the range for me to look at, had Scotch tape around the cylinder to keep the cylinder latch from etching the cylinder ring. Power Custom has an over sized latch to firmly lock the cylinder, but I don't think it stops the etching. Unavoidable wear.
Thanks much, Nitro. Time and money cost Ford millions, a $2.00 part would have taken care of the exploding Pinto problem, but they were more concerned about their bottom line.
Another thing that drives me nuts about the BH is their variances in cylinder throat diameters. They can vary by 3-4 k, I was told the reason is they use a three milling drill set-up to bore throats. When 1 gets dull, they change just the 1, causing wide variances in diameter, and undersized throats.
I will shut up now.
When I was a boy, my Father had 2 Rugers, one an early 60's Single-Six and a '57 .357....I am now one year older than my Dad when he passed, I have quite a few Rugers, mostly OldModels and I love them for what they Are and Are Not.
As noted,, "Time & Money."

And another way to look at things; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it unless you can do the same thing for cheaper!"
When I was a boy, my Father had 2 Rugers, one an early 60's Single-Six and a '57 .357....I am now one year older than my Dad when he passed, I have quite a few Rugers, mostly OldModels and I love them for what they Are and Are Not.
As noted,, "Time & Money."

And another way to look at things; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it unless you can do the same thing for cheaper!"
I feel the same way, Nitro, else I would not be doing this. In my eyes it was broke and I fixed it, Contender, same as I would do to any piece of equipment I own.
Contender is correct. I see the same in the automotive dealer repair business where one out of thirty customers will notice a little thing all like vehicles have and make a big deal over it (not that the OP made a big deal over this but most people can't and won't fix their own new car and a gun doesn't usually cost $40K) while everyone else ignores it. It's fine to point those things out for sure and we have to try and come up with s solution but everyone must keep in mind a production line puts out 80-150 vehicles in 24 hours. How many guns does Ruger make in the same time period? A lot more I bet.
Thanks Joey! Here's hoping you have a great one as well!

And an interesting question by GG. "How many guns does Ruger make in the same time period? A lot more I bet."

I have been to a Ruger plant,, and watched the assy line for the LCP at work. (This is why I understand their process.) They turn out a completed LCP about every 5 minutes when running at normal production.
Well, it's been awhile, but I got'er almost done. The first pic is after first working down, notice height and angel of ears.
Second picture, ears are almost there, still need some work. Note lack of scratches on hammer. Light spots in finish are where I touched up damage from previous owner and scope mount on barrel. Thought about having it re done with Spartan Shield, but I think a rust blue will look better and a bit more traditional. Just got it back together today, I will finish work on the ears after I get it re-blued. Right now, I want to shoot it! Will require sight adjustment as I just put the sight back on it.


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The perfected Ruger Blackhawk:

Frame and gripframe squared and fit
Cylinder gap reset to.002"
11° forcing cone cut and polish
11° crown cut and polish
Internals polished
Cylinder faced square.
Oversized cylinder latch fit
Free spin pawl mod
Hammer sides clearanced
Trigger job
Gripframe decked
Chambers polished
Polish and rust blue

My time involved= 30-40 hrs (I don't rush)
Gee BigBore5,, you just about described how a Freedom Arms is built.

Don't get me wrong,, I enjoy many of my out of the box Rugers as they came from the factory. Mostly the Old Models. But some of my New Models are also used as built. I also have a few FA handguns. And they are excellent. But I've seen the occasional report where people have worked on them to fix something they don't like or want "better."

Rugers are pretty much mass produced when compared to Freedom Arms. And the price reflects it. Having been to the FA plant, and a Ruger plant,, I can see why there are differences. The extra work that goes into a FA is one of the reasons there's a 2 year wait once you order one. And at FA,, there isn't an assembly line that resembles a Ruger assembly line.

Yes,, Rugers get much more custom work after they leave the factory. But many of them are actually pretty good as shipped. And on many just a LITTLE tweaking can make a big difference.
I am putting ss gf, ejector shroud, hammer and trigger on a NM BH .357. The existing hammer has scratches on the left side. You could call them gouges. I did a search and didn't find a post on this. Has anyone else encountered this, and if so, how did you solve it? I can think of 2 solutions, file the hammer channel down, or mill down the thickness of the hammer a coupla' k's. Any suggestions? This is the worst of my Blackhawks,,, they all have some degree of this. Don't want to put a stainless hammer on this just to have it gouged....
Buy a new hammer might come in handy any way!
Finally got the gf frame fitted. I have it boxed and ready to ship to Chig's Grips. While its gone, I am planning on bluing it myself using Mark Lee's Express Blue #1. Has anyone used this? I bought a barrel on the cheap to try it. I have it stripped and sanded, ready to go, just got to pick up a few more things. One can never have enough things.
When I am thru with the barrel, I plan on posting it for give away. Next stop, bluing. I will complete polishing of gf when I get it back.


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Finally got the gf frame fitted. I have it boxed and ready to ship to Chig's Grips. While its gone, I am planning on bluing it myself using Mark Lee's Express Blue #1. Has anyone used this? I bought a barrel on the cheap to try it. I have it stripped and sanded, ready to go, just got to pick up a few more things. One can never have enough things.
When I am thru with the barrel, I plan on posting it for give away. Next stop, bluing. I will complete polishing of gf when I get it back.
You're giving away the gun? Count me in!