Better is an IER, Intermediate Eye Relief scope, designed for forward mounting on rifles, which is not as long an eye-relief as a handgun.
My M1A SOCOM 16 wears a Leupold IER, like this one from Midway (no endorsement):
This page shows an M1A with a different mount, but with the same scope in the same position, so you can an idea what it looks like:
I am very happy with this combination. I replaced a Trijicon ACOG Reflex with the Leupold and really shrunk my group sizes while maintaining my speed. My left-eye-dominance (and right-handed) means I usually close my left eye to have a clearer picture, but if you are same-eye-dominant, it will be even better.
The ACOG Reflex is now on a CAR-15, mounted above the carry handle, where its speed but lack of pin-point accuracy is better suited.