SBH front sight too low

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Big Caliber

Oct 6, 2008
Quartz Hill
I found some posts in the revolver forum but I'm going to ask anyway...Are there any tall after-market front sights available to put on my NMSBK? Or is sending it back to Ruger my only option? If do I go about shipping a revolver out of Schwartz-a-noddle land? I have heard that USPS won't do it nor will UPS.
Give us more info so we can help.

Bowen has developed a replacement blade that any decent machine shop could install in a short period of time.

Big Caliber":24imsy4d said:
Schwartz-a-noddle land?

Is that a town in a Mel Brooks movie?



OK, I get it........ the home of the San Andreas Fault. Or, otherwise known as "good-bye, we'll be moving west" land.

That's nuttin', around here it's the "Yellowstone Cauldera" that's supposed to put this section of the U.S. into orbit around Mars......

That should of been "Schwartz-a-noodle Land". :oops: Anyway, more info: the gun is a Ruger, New Model, Super Blackhawk, 44 caliber, stainlees steel, 7 1/2" barrel. Un-fluted cylinder. The front sight is a stainless steel "bar" with an itty-bitty pin going through it roughly 3/8" from the muzzle. It appears to be holding, on top, the black front blade which is about 3/4" long and maybe 1/2" tall at the front and ramps down to 3/16" at the back. Is that a pin or a screw holding it in? A guy on another forum said I need to be loading up hotter, faster loads and the problem would disappear. What do you think?
I shoot 300 grain bullets at 1300 fps out of my New Model Supers and yes, I needed to install taller front sight blades.

Order the blade for a 4-5/8" stainless .45 cal. Blackhawk, it's the tallest made. Order a couple extra "roll pins", as well.

Or, one can get a scrap of 1/8" cold rolled steel and make your own....
