Safe loads for the Cowboy 45 Special

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SAAMI has no business telling the gun community what ammo is authorized in general or not. They should just stick to the facts, and report on them ONLY! Furthermore, I highly doubt the 'the industry' gets together with SAAMI to decide what gets listed. They probably only get together to give them the info SAAMI asks for.

SAAMI reports/documents what has been agreed upon by representatives of gun and ammo manufacturers. That's all. They don't tell anyone what to do. They provide information and manufacturers will accept such info or not as it suits them. Ruger's position on the matter is the point made in Post #37. They accept the fact that there is ammo available that exceeds their comfort level and base their recommendations on ammo on SAAMI's info without expressly mentioning that body. It's your responsibility to decide whether you want to play by those rules or not, and willingly accept the results of your decision.

I fully agree that there needs to be established data on high-performance ammo (+P or +P+) that can be loaded in a .45 Colt size case. What the name of that Cartridge and its headstamp will be remains to be seen. If they want to use the +P .45 Colt style designation that'll work so long as SAAMI publishes the data for it just like all the other +P rounds already established. Then we'd all be playing on a level field. 😁
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Just a thought but they could be designated as a +P and the +P+ as a Colt magnum. I load 90% of my 45 Colt as +P and +P+ but it's easy for me to distinguish. My +P is a 260 grain blue powder coated bullet and my +P+ is a 310 grain black bullet and both are in a nickel case, my low power cowboy loads are always in plain brass cases and my 44 Mag is only loaded with a green, orange or red bullet so I don't get them.mixed up while out shooting them both. That system works great for my
shooting and reloading sessions.
But yeah a commercial designation would help inexperienced shooters even though I personally have never seen someone blow up a 45 Colt by using the wrong power level.
Just saying...