Safe Chamber Pressures In A Vaquero Question

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Nov 7, 2008
I know the SAMMI Pressures are 14,000 PSI for the .45 Colt. I have heard the the Vaquero is not meant for the same pressures as the Blackhawks. I have heard the Blackhawks will take more pressure than a Colt SAA. I am shooting some 250 grain round nose cast with 6.0 grains of Bullseye today. This gives me a chamber pressure of 10,800, which SAMMI considers safe. My question is do I need to back it down a bit?
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Isn't Vaquero on the same frame as Blackhawks?
If so …. Not sure why they'd be weaker.
You can do a search on Brian Pearce, John Linebaugh or John Taffin. All have good information on loads for the 45 Colt. I personally believe Brian offers the most exhaustive offerings of loads breaking it down to 5 categories.
Linebaugh is pretty thorough as well. My computer got lost in my last move so can't bring the information up. I fear Taffin won't be with us much longer.
Welcome to the state of confusion for many when it comes to the .45 Colt, (and others.)

But your question has it narrowed down a bit.

A "New Vaquero" is marked as such, and has a 3-digit prefix in it's serial number. It's on what we call a "mid-frame." It can handle loads hotter than the original Colt ammo, but not as hot as the "Ruger Only " loads often seen.

The Brian Pearce info is an excellent resource for safe loading with safety in mind.
AFAIK The mid frame .45's can handle upto .45 ACP +p 23,000 psi

I see no reason the same pressure in .45 Colt would be unsafe.
Interesting topic. Here is a video of a guy (Boge Quinn) shooting some hot loads through the new vaquero. Not saying it will handle a steady diet of these double tap loads but his vaquero handled a cylinder worth if that means anything. 300gr at 1300fps sounds like Ruger only loads to me. Lots of comments about it too under the video.
Here is load data for Ruger only or TC/ Contender off Hodgdons online load data center. That double tap ammo 300gr at 1300fps referenced above almost certainly is over the 23,000psi pressure some say is max for the vaquero. Of course I can't prove this but if the 1300 FPS advertised is at all in the ballpark, the data below suggests it's probably over 23,000psi chamber pressure. Your load listed above at 10,800psi should be a cake walk for the vaquero.
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