S&W forum help/question

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Jun 19, 2009
I'm needing some help or advice regarding gifting or distributing a handful of a part for a S&W model 1917 revolver. I'm not a member over on the S&W forum, but I believe some folks here are active over there?

What I have (got them in a mixed box of gunsmith parts) is a "hand" for the subject revolver - see photo below. I matched it with photos from Numrich and another online source, so it appears to match the part for that revolver but I don't have other means to verify it. I have several of them, and I'd like to gift them to people who may need them, or need a spare part. If I was a member on the S&W forum I'd probably offer some up as a karma to any takers, but I don't have that option. Any suggestions for me?


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