Dan is pretty "close" as for the price, sold one just like that this past weekend and the one like yours at an auction, would go for even MORE..that box is a 50's vintage, "pre model" number as the label obviously does NOT have the "model" designation ( ala guns made after 1958)
that airweight model box is very desireable, as the barrel is LONGER and in between the shorty and the 4 inch.......
the solid silver border is the second one used after the 'red boxes' ( or in the case of the K frames, a gold, blue lettering)....first blue boxes had a "sun burst" pattern on them, then a two silver lines ( split) almost like two silver borders lines. Later on they became a "herring bone "and when Bangor Punta out the family in 1966 the two line address on the top of the lid, became a 3 line address, with "Bangor Punta" in between the company name and the city/state. We have some of the boxes pictured in the latest, volume 3 of the 'Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson'................
bottom line, condition and the label that is on your box makes it more marketable,like Ruger, they shipped different models in the same sized boxes and ONLY the label changed...................