maxpress":3g1mxtsn said:
i have had a 5.5 inch .44 vaquero for years and its one of my favorites. 2 days ago i bought the stainless 4 5/8 in .45 even though im only set up for .357/.44 at the press now i wanna go down and trade my redhawk for the blue .357 4 5/8 as a range gun since its so cheap to shoot (have about 4 coffee cans of brass)
have the Single Action Bug bad (sabitis) think i may need SAA (single actions annonymous)
I know how you feel, I have acquired 9 Ruger single actions in both Vaquero and Black Hawk configurations and love them all. They are in order'
Six 357 Vaqueros, two being NM and one a birdshead
Two 41Mag Black Hawks
One 45 Bisley
I did purchase a 6" GP 100 a week or so ago and when I went to the gun store to pick it up the counter man asked me if I was going to have the hammer bobbed, I looked at him and asked, "If I have the hammer bobbed, how will I shoot the dern thing?"
I was later told the difference and welcomed into the new and strange world of Double Action.
Yes I am kidding, I really did know about double actions, (I Think).