RXM is a total winner.

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Jan 1, 2025
So I have been a long time Ruger fan, and have quite a few. My favorite is a polished chrome 44 magnum Bisley Vaquero... which I bought new about 5 years after they were discontinued, but that's another story. My go to defense guns have been Glocks for years. I tried the SR9 and Sr 40's and they were OK, but I like to have a lot of magazines for my defensive guns in the spirit of being prepared, especially for another ban on them should it happen again. I've also played with the Smith M&P's which I actually like better than the Glocks but they are all heavier, and I CCW whenever I leave the house and it makes a difference.

I read about the Ruger RXM in the Guns and Ammo Ruger 75th anniversary magazine and bought one Sunday. I just shot it today. Absolutely fantastic. I can't believe how great these guns are. It shoots flat, and is very fast. I'm getting a one inch pattern at 5 yards offhand. And after 500 rounds with MP and Glock magazines it's 100%. The grip angle and lack of Glock hump makes for some great natural pointing and aiming. The mag release is just perfect. Easily reached without breaking grip, but doesn't protrude enough to be a problem. The original Gen 3 Glocks were too small and I find them slower.

If Ruger and Magpul follow through and offer G26 and G17 size parts for these things, they are going to be hard to come by in 6 months. This just isn't another Glock clone, this is the one. The perfect mix of price, performance, modularity, reliability, compatibility, and features - the sweet spot. I don't need any of my Glocks or M&P's anymore. With 4 (or more) of these I'd be covered. (Remember I mentioned being prepared...) Especially if I can mod them to also be 26's and 17's.

I don't have to change the sights, they're perfect and I already mounted my RMR, no plate required. (Though you do need the thin sealing plate that should have come with the RMR, that's Trijicon's fault, not Rugers.) The trigger is really decent out of the box and gets even better with a couple hundred rounds through it.

Finally the Glock I always wanted.
I've been firing mine daily for a week now...got several hundred thru the platform...no issues so far, but the trigger on mine is pretty stiff...I'm hoping it will work in... otherwise the 25cent trigger job is what I will do
I've been firing mine daily for a week now...got several hundred thru the platform...no issues so far, but the trigger on mine is pretty stiff...I'm hoping it will work in... otherwise the 25cent trigger job is what I will do
I did a .25 cent trigger job on a G43X I bought with the worst trigger I ever got out of the box in a handgun. After I was done, it hit the wall and snapped like a glass rod. I was amazed at how well that worked. I'm not sure what's up with the RXM triggers, some of them are coming in at 3.5 pounds from the factory and some of them are 6 with most in between. The ones I have hit the wall and then have some sponge but break cleanly. Doesn't really matter, I'm getting 1 inch groups at 5 yards with them all so there's nothing wrong with the triggers.

Also, the RXM triggers seem kinda polished from the factory. But I have not taken one down to parts yet. I bet polishing the inside of the FCI and the outside of the transfer bar where they rub against each other might be a thing. If they aren't smooth already. that's a lot of metal sliding against each other relatively speaking.

I'm going to run an RXM in IDPA this year. Should be fun!
I took the plunge yesterday on an RXM. Checked one out at a larger retailer over the past weekend.
Yesterday stopped by my LGS and they had them too.
LGS price was fair at $439, but I asked if they would match the $409 price I saw over the weekend. They did so I grabbed it.

I have the Ruger PC Carbine and purchased a bunch of Glock mags for it and I've been looking at Glocks to match up with it but never did, something about sights and maybe grip.
I bought a Magpul FDE stock for my Carbine last year which is great and it would be cool if Magpul will release the RXM frame in FDE to match! No rush the grey grip looks fine to me, but it is also sort of my 380 'color' for my p365-380 which is grey. My p365 9mm grip is FDE, so an FDE grip also speaks to my OCD.🤣
Looking forward to trying the RXM out next range trip.
First 100 rounds at range this morning. Very nice shooter and I'm very happy with my RXM.

Zero issues, and was shooting CCI Blazer 115gr FMJ.
My 'Glock' mags are all Mapul PMAG 15 GL9. I've read some comments on these but these
will see only range time use and presented me zero issues,
they've also worked fine in my PC Carbine.

Was comfortable to shoot and I like the stock sights, very quick to get on target easy.

Very pleased, nice job Ruger with the RXM.
Just watched a review on another forum where they put 8400 rounds through one over 3 days with not a single issue. When it got hot they put it in water, shook it out and kept shooting. Then they had a gun smith test it down and the guy was shocked at how good the condition was.

All they used was Winchester white box. Nothing special.
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Seems like they have a new one that has a lot of promise. Let's see if and when they put out a 10mm version and I'd likely jump right on it
So boring, yet another Glock 19 clone. Perhaps Ruger should just start selling clones. Get them down to $200, get a Micro like PA. C;lone Taiuris 6 shot revolver 38 light weight. Clone the Keltec new 57 with clips. Just do something Ruger. Wake up,
Well they stole the Keltec 380, now steal the Keltec 57. No frigging magazines. "How may reloads have you seen in a real edc gunfight? NONE!

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Way I see it, Ruger and Magpul have already done some really good things together. One of reasons I got mine was to pair it up with my PC Carbine as mentioned above.
Thus exactly what I was looking for. I could have gotten a glock to have a platform to share the Ammo & PMAGs but glad the RXM came out.

First range trip this morning with the pair. Shot paper and steel at 7, 15, and 25 yards for the Carbine.
Planned ahead and brought some extra ammo, call it 'panammo', as I found some boxes of Ammo Inc 9mm from 2020 stored away.
Also shot a few boxes of Blazer, both guns functioned with zero issues with either brand.
Had my second one at the range this morning for its first 100. No issues at all with it. Very pleased. First one got a black grip. Magpul had availability for a while on FDE frames so picked one up. I'm very pleased with the RXM and likely will sell one or two from the stable (G3 or ?) as these work really well for me. Here is the second one with FDE grip:

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