Rugers old and new shoot !

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Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
While shooting with my daughter, I thought I'd compare an old 3 screw super single-six with iron sights against a new singel-six hunter scoped with a Bushnell 2X6 trophy. The accuracy of the Rugers didn't surprise me, but the iron sights vs. scope did !



I was using Federal bulk from Walmart. Sandbag rest, at 25 yards, 5 shot groups. It's nice to get lucky every now and then, especially under the watchfull eye of your 11 year old daughter :lol: . I then told her I didn't want to shoot up the rest of the ammo for her when she ask me to try it at 50 yds :roll: .
I'd say it looks like dad can shoot to. I think 50 yds. would have been okay.
Very good results .......

You should have let your daughter "embarass" you though @ 50

I am not so surprised about the sucess with irons ...... if you got the eyes, got the technique, and got the equipment ....... irons are still the best overall.

(In case you can't tell, I am no fan of scopes on handguns)

EOTech or Bushnell holosights are good if the bulk doesn't interfere with the portability of your handgun ...... but I have yet to embrace scopes.

Three 44s