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Sep 27, 2009
I think I have come down with Rugeitis.I have always liked them but price or availability has been a stumbling block.However,in the last year or so I have picked up a used 2245,kp95 and an sp101(357 2in) for a house gun for the wifw.Next up,hopefully,a used security six 22lr.It is a rather pleasant disease to come down with :lol:
Rugers, on the whole, exhibit traits similar to those that I have come to admire and respect in people:

They are strong, reliable, durable, plain, simple and uncomplicated, and unpretentious. What's not to like?
Just be warned there is no cure. The only treatment is to buy two rugers and call me in the morning. Steve
I am a working class guy.Boy do you know what I would do if I hit the power ball? Ah it's nice to dream.Thank you all for your comments.Forums don't always have to be about problems.
I really have not gone over budget as I sold off some other iron to finance these.By the way if it comes down to food or Rugers I'm not to sure I would not go for the Rugers.I could always use the Rugers to get food.Anyone see that pesky squirrel? :D
The good news is that your Rugeritis is not yet in the advanced stages. Stay away from the single actions, or you could go downhill quickly :roll:
I feel your pain. I have bought a GP-100, a LCR, and Security Six since October. Last time this happened was about 10 years ago when I bought a P-95 and a P-97 at the same gunshow. Apparently Rugeritis can go into remission and relapse later.
I realized recently that I had picked up a SP-101, SR9, NRA Mini-14, and a SBH all in the past 6 mths. Not really sure how; but it came on fast!
Blume, just yesterday I ran across a guy at work who has had a Charger for a few weeks. He had a lot of good things to say about it. I'm gonna give them a closer look next time in LGS.
Have 2 SR9's and 2 LCP's.... went to Gander to waste a $10 gift card on a sweatshirt.... liberated a MK III from their disorganized gun case

handguns from Ruger, rifles from Russia :twisted:

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