Ruger Super Blackhawk 44mag.

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Aug 22, 2009

Just got his out of layaway,..I've owned S&W 629's ,Ruger Redhawks, Taurus 608's,Ruger GP100's ,all the Ruger Six series & Dan Wessons.. ...I know its a Single Action ,but I thinks this is the finest revolver made...

I went 6 months without a Single Action ..longest since I was 12 yrs old....boy I was a lost puppy...
I bought one like it last summer, put a hundred or so rounds thru it and removed the grip frame it came with and put the Dragoon frame on it. I like the way it feels now a lot better. My other SBHs all have the Dragoon grip on them.
To me the 4 5/8" stainless Super Blackhawk is the quintessential big bore single action. I like them so much that I transformed a .45 Blackhawk into one by fitting an unfluted .45acp cylinder to it.

I went 6 months without a Single Action ..longest since I was 12 yrs old....boy I was a lost puppy...
I can't even imagine/relate of being without a SA :shock: . To scary to contemplate!

Enjoy! And never let 'em get away from ya!
I have to agree with Mountain William, although mine has hogue grips and some Bowen stuff on it. Those short barrels can shoot if you can hang on to the rest of the gun.
Rclark said:
I went 6 months without a Single Action ..longest since I was 12 yrs old....boy I was a lost puppy...
I can't even imagine/relate of being without a SA :shock: . To scary to contemplate!

Enjoy! And never let 'em get away from ya!

I got in a tight spot and sell a few....I wish I would have kept my old worn Blackhawk 45 Colt/45 ACP convertible... that gun was worn and true and used to be blue....(and only Ruger guys will get this....) Then she turned Plum Prudy ...But I had to pay a few medical bills to keep the wolves from the door...

I'll replace her some day....
i cant find a fluted cylineder, 4 5/8 44 mag for the life of me. i have one in .45c and 357. i have a 44 mag fluted 5.5 and a bisley vaquero 44 in 5.5 i just like the balance of the 4 5/8. i may need to have one made.

i agree the 4 5/8 single action is ideal