I know all about the storage problem. In our trailer we currently have 2 Mosin rifles, 2 Ruger 77s a mark 1 and a mark 2, 2 Savage rifles, 1 Ruger 10/22, 2 old Ranger 12gauge shotguns, 1 Mossburg shotgun, 1 old Winchester shotgun, 1 1895 Mosin revolver, 2 32 s@w long revolver made by Hockis @Allen, 1 Lorcin 25 pistol, 1 Tauris revolver in 38 special, 1 ROM 38 revolver, 1 bolt action 410 not sure who made that one, 1 Reagent 22 8 shot revolver that used to be sold at Sears, 1 ROM 22 short that was a "crime"gun in Miami, 1 Luina 45 1911, and I think I need a bigger gun safe lol.