Ruger Still Life

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Great pic! I couldn't get such composure if I tried.

Nice gun mat you laid 'em on, too. Midway? :roll:

Just ribbin' ya CD! I'm guilty of the same thing. Just so they were not the pair you had on when you brought the guns into the room! :shock:

Looks nice, CD! My bride has no problem with me cleaning guns at the kitchen counter, but I have my own rule about protecting the assets: there is never any ammunition in the room when I am cleaning, dry-firing, practicing presentation or doing anything else that requires me to point the barrel at something I don't want to shoot. I'll generally have something loaded and ready to go in a nearby room in case it should become necessary, but I'm just absent-minded enough that I've adopted the advice given by the folks at the Dryfire Drills page (an interesting site, by the way), which I'll excerpt here as follows:
  • When you have completed the practice session, clear and store training rounds. Audibly say "practice is over, I'm now going live, I will not do any more practice." Virtually every negligent discharge related to dry-fire is because someone loads up, gets distracted, and then does just one more presentation. Once you are finished, NO MORE PRACTICE FOR THE SESSION.
  • Place the weapon in the condition you wish it to be in, but we advise that you consider leaving the pistol unloaded until after you have completed another task, such as eating, watching TV, etc.
I need to repeat that verbal and visual formula every time I enter and exit whatever the special circumstance may be, and also try to honor that practice about doing something else after exit just to make sure that my head has really returned to in the real, live-ammo world. Then again, it's been a lot of years since I had to wrangle a roomful of college kids for a living, so you're probably more current on your multitasking practice! ;)
Great picture! The color has the very warm feel that was popular in magazines of an era long gone (one that I did NOT grow up in by have seen in my father's gun rags). I really like it. Best of all, if you look close enough at the whole picture, it is very well balanced front to back and side to side.

Great job.

The same holds true for me; take a hundred pictures and hope one turns out nice enough to keep. Thank God for digital photography.
I have to agree with Carl. Just a warm feeling. I almost expect to look to the right and see an antique oil lamp burning

the boxer shorts are a nice addition :)

nice pic
CD i really like your Mosins. They are very nice looking. I need to find a way to take pics of mine and put them on here so you can see how nice they are. I also have the matching pistol.
I know all about the storage problem. In our trailer we currently have 2 Mosin rifles, 2 Ruger 77s a mark 1 and a mark 2, 2 Savage rifles, 1 Ruger 10/22, 2 old Ranger 12gauge shotguns, 1 Mossburg shotgun, 1 old Winchester shotgun, 1 1895 Mosin revolver, 2 32 s@w long revolver made by Hockis @Allen, 1 Lorcin 25 pistol, 1 Tauris revolver in 38 special, 1 ROM 38 revolver, 1 bolt action 410 not sure who made that one, 1 Reagent 22 8 shot revolver that used to be sold at Sears, 1 ROM 22 short that was a "crime"gun in Miami, 1 Luina 45 1911, and I think I need a bigger gun safe lol.
Oh yeh and a very large ammo box to hold all the verious types of ammo that all the guns need lol. I also need a very large cleaning kit to clean the guns and yes I do always clean them. This is why I decided that since I lost my leg and I needed a new carrier that I would go for my next dream and get my Degree in Gunsmithing so I can open a shop that I can run from a wheelchair lol.

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