Ruger Steel ejector rod housings

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Feb 10, 2009
I just got one of these for a 10 1/2 SBH project from Ruger. I found it odd that finish looks like the aluminum housing. It's just black. Has anyone else bought one of these and noticed this?
Just verified the part number it's aluminum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought Ruger was just having probelms making guns!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah as soon as they get back from lunch! Glad I ordered early to insure it in time for Christmas. :roll:
Well It looks like I will have to check those 2. I'm still waiting for a mgr to call me back but the girl on the phone says they don't make steel any longer and they haven't for sometime. This despite the fact that they still show this: ... nfo/90179/
On their website and they were more than happy to charge my C.C. on the 21 st for something they don't make anymore and send me a aluminum part for nearly $50 shipped!!!!!!
azrugershooter":3tlfkvns said:
I'm still waiting for a mgr to call me back but the girl on the phone says they don't make steel any longer and they haven't for sometime.

There MIGHT be a bit of miscommunication going on here.

If you're requesting a steel BLACKHAWK ejectory rod housing, that might be the problem.

the steel ERH's are on SUPERBLACKHAWKS.

you and i know one ERH fits the other, but if i'm looking up parts and you tell me you want an erh to fit your BH, i'm going to look at the parts available there..........and I'm not going to see a blued, steel ERH.

just my observation. I'm sure ruger will make good on it.

I ordered a 5" steel ejector rod housing for a 10 1/2" SBH. This housing is a replacement for the alloy housing that Ruger used on these guns new. It is listed on Rugers website as being available. This housing only fits 10 1/2 SBH, 357 Maximum blackhawks, and if needed SBH hunters. There couldn't be any confusion between this and BH part as the length is different and the part number is different between them both.
I hope Ruger can make it right. But going by the girl I got off the phone with my confidence is LOW!

Here is the link to their page for steel erh
AHHH, i see now............... i am the one with the confusion :oops:

I'd appreciate it if you let us know how this works out.

Good Luck,
No worries. I'm just pissed at the whole situation. I bought this for my dad for Xmas and it looks like it isn't happening. And so far all Ruger can tell me is "yeah we looked and we don't have any steel ones" but yet we sold you a alloy for the price of steel!
Yeah I will be reporting on this trust me!
Well Ruger goofed! They sent me a 250120 alloy housing. A steel housing is being overnighted.
The end
So am I. It's sad that it took several phone calls and bitching to higher ups to get them to get them to fix it though. But no matter they fixed just the same.
Maybe I'm lost in the ozone but I thought the 10 1/2" SBH came with a steel ej housing. Was the original made from steel and they changed to aluminum later? I bought one new many,many,many moons ago,a NM SBH blued and gave it to a gunsmith to shorten the barrel to the same length as the eg housing(about 5 1/2"). I was sure the ej housing on it was steel but I guess he might have swapped it out for me as other things were done to the gun at the same time. That really made for a nice hunting gun and still would, having full ejection with warm loads.
Steel housings went by the wayside at about the same time the XR3-RED grip frame was introduced.... mid 1962.

They've reappeared in the mid/late 1990's IIRC.....or maybe even a bit more recently..... :roll:

REP1954":30vo046w said:
Maybe I'm lost in the ozone but I thought the 10 1/2" SBH came with a steel ej housing. Was the original made from steel and they changed to aluminum later? I bought one new many,many,many moons ago,a NM SBH blued and gave it to a gunsmith to shorten the barrel to the same length as the eg housing(about 5 1/2"). I was sure the ej housing on it was steel but I guess he might have swapped it out for me as other things were done to the gun at the same time. That really made for a nice hunting gun and still would, having full ejection with warm loads.

The only new model BH/SBH I have seen with steel EJRH from Ruger were stainless guns. Every blued NM BH/SBH I've seen/handled was alloy.
Don't the Vaqueros and New Vaqueros have steel housings?

Ruger's been making the "target length" housings out of steel for quite a few years and they are sold as accessories, along with the standard length steel version.

Well new EJRH showed up yesterday. Still a different part number from what the website/invoice shows but at least a magnet sticks to this one! :D
Got a call from the manager from Ruger acessories dept today. Was a total A** HOLE! He didn't want to hear about how talking to his phone staff was like talking to a houseplant. Once he found out that the correct part showed up he hung up! Not glad it was taken care, sorry for the inconvince, drop dead nothing just click. I won't be buying anything from that dept of Ruger ever again. I making a call to prescott and /or southport wed. Someone needs to know who is running that dept. Like I said at the begining of this post, I thought Ruger was just having problems making guns right now!