Ruger sp101 sights

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Sep 10, 2009
Hey guys and gals. I am new to the forum here. I have been shooting a Ruger sp101 for a few months now. It is the snub 357 variety. I have replaced the plastic grip insert and have become pretty comfortable with the gun. The lighting at the indoor gun range I use is really giving me some fits though. I would like to find a new front sight and have it swapped out with the factory by a gunsmith. Any suggestions about front sights to look into for the sp101? I need something not so dark - either a night sight or just a sight with a light-colored painted dot. Does anybody have any sight they have switched out with and recommend?
check out gemini custom's website:

I've not dealt with them, but they have quite a few different sight options available. the website gives me a headache, but I know there are some pretty nice sp-101 sights in there somewhere. Hope that helps

And welcome to the forum.
c.r.":2y7pynng said:
check out gemini custom's website:

I've not dealt with them, but they have quite a few different sight options available. the website gives me a headache, but I know there are some pretty nice sp-101 sights in there somewhere. Hope that helps

And welcome to the forum.
I have dealt with Gemini. I installed one of their "fiber optic" front sight blades on my SP-101 and it transformed the sight picture. Highly recommended.
If looking to add color.....
My SP101 added a C-more orange front site from magnaport.
Really fast pick up in low light.
Go to Wal-Mart, drugstore or beauty supply place and look for the gaudiest, brightest, most obnoxious fingernail polish you can find. It's hard stuff, wears pretty well and fairly cheap.

I tested a few colors. Red shows as dark/black in low light. Yellow seems to wash out and look white, which may not be good if the abckground/target is white.

I settled on a bright orange and my SP101, Blackhawks and even my dad's muzzleloader have orange front sights. I think I paid $1.99 for the bottle and it's still in my gun cabinet.

Others suggest Testors model paint.

Either choice is a much better price than the "sight paints" out there that cost $5.99 for a tiny bottle.

Thanks for all the feedback. Sounds like a lot of folks like the Gemini sights, so I will probably look into those.
Good because I just ordered some. I looked at the other thread you were referring to and I saw several people mentioning the new sights adjusting their sight picture, POA issues, etc. Some people even filed down the size of them. Is it common for the Meprolights to affect POA? I would think that would have been considered in the manufacturing of the sights if they are a good product.
The SP-101 with stock sights is regulated to shoot POA with full-house 357mag 158gr loads. Anything lighter, either 38 specials or lighter bullets will usually shoot low. I believe the Meprolite will regulate the same. It is pretty easy, if you are using lighter loads, to get used to holding the front sight a little high when shooting the SP. :D

Go to Wal-Mart, drugstore or beauty supply place and look for the gaudiest, brightest, most obnoxious fingernail polish you can find. It's hard stuff, wears pretty well and fairly cheap.

Thats what I did.
Meijer had this screaming florescent orange nail polish that worked really well at the indoor range when I was taking my pistol class.
I really like the Meprolight front sight. I have been using them for years on several SP101s.
I took the nail polish tip some months ago, and went to the beauty supply store and found just the right day-glo orange color.

Now, I wonder why they actually make that nail polish. I figure that no self-respecting prostitute would be caught dead with that stuff on her fingernails!
Pal Val":1h85b7mz said:
I took the nail polish tip some months ago, and went to the beauty supply store and found just the right day-glo orange color.

Now, I wonder why they actually make that nail polish. I figure that no self-respecting prostitute would be caught dead with that stuff on her fingernails!
My wife got the same color I use on my sights. You should see her toes on a really bright day :D
Jimbo357mag":3qn8xwjw said:
The SP-101 with stock sights is regulated to shoot POA with full-house 357mag 158gr loads. Anything lighter, either 38 specials or lighter bullets will usually shoot low. I believe the Meprolite will regulate the same. It is pretty easy, if you are using lighter loads, to get used to holding the front sight a little high when shooting the SP. :D

At the risk of sounding stupid I wondered why it shot so dang low