Ruger Single Six accurate?

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I use my 1968 Super Single 6 for small game and grouse every year at our Colorado camp. And I'm no expert shooter. Average at best, but I consistently get camp meat with it. That being said- last year I bought a 2011 NIB Single 10 at a firearm estate sale. This is my new .22 love. WMG has one listed on here. Might be worth checking into.
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I have a Single Six, a Single Six Convertible, a Single Ten, a Bearcat, a Wrangler and a K22. They are all more accurate than I am. The Smith might have a slight edge, but only because of a slightly better trigger.

Personally, I see little difference between the .22 LR and the .22 WMR.

If I wanted a single action rimfire, ANY Ruger would fit the bill. My SSC will be the LAST firearm I ever get rid of.
Installed a section of 10/22 barrel on mine. It went from 3" groups to under an inch. Note part of the lettering on the barrel used in the lower picture.

I think I need a single action .22 LR. I do not want a Wrangler. I am looking at the Single Six convertibles. I have read that they are not accurate with .22 LR. Is that so? If so, what are the choices for a reasonably accurate single action in .22 LR.
I have read that the convertible guns that came with two cylinders one for .22 mag and one for 22 l.r. have larger bores to accommodate the .22 mag ammo so naturally you are not going to get as good accuracy with the .22 l.r. ammo. Since most people who buy the revolvers do not use them in competition this has never been a problem. For competition use the Ruger Auto pistols.

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