Ruger Security 380 problems, Help. the only major problem is at 7 and 10 yard we cannot even hit the target, 7 different shooters

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I did a 'bore sight' on mine and found that the factory rear sight setting was off a small amount but even so I could group[ the shots, just not in the center of the target. Heading to the range tomorrow to see how much difference the adjustment made. If you can't hit the target at all ... send it back to Ruger (call them first, explain the problem, and they may send you a shipping container)
12x12 from 10 yarda
How young are the eyes? ;)

12x12 at 10yds or especially 7 yds something would have to be drastically wrong with that pistol, to the point you may be able to see the defect by just looking at the pistol?

Does anyone notice where the bullet is impacting? Is the point of impact the same for everyone? The bullet needs to be going somewhere? Dirt kicked up same place behind target?
This is my LCP .380 target at 10 yards, 8.5x11". Not great, but not awful either. I'd expect the Ruger Security 380 to match or do better than that.


8.5x5" at 7 yards:

This is a target showing how far off the sights were. The pencil "+" in the upper right was my aiming point ( the "+" wasn't actually there I was just kinda guessing where I was aiming). I haven't gotten to see if the sight adjustment fixed to problem. When The first few times after I got the gun and first fired the pistol I only had one hit on paper. I started moving my point of aim till I got on paper and went from there to figure out what was happening. Shooting at 7 yards. The hole at the top isn't keyhole but rather where the target attached to the target frame.

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If there was a group of folk missing then I would have moved the target closer just to get an idea of if the majority of rounds were all off in one specific area or if they were all over the place.
Reminds me of either last year or the year before at the East Coast Gathering where the group was trying to figure out what was wrong with this specific single six revolver... rounds were going all over the place... could not get those 22lrs to group at all... Contender was trying his best... then 'they' finally figured it out....22 magnum cylinder.... talks about a group laughing at themselves ....
My first time shooting the LCP I almost missed the target completely. High right to the very top of the corner and not much better for other shots.

Fast forward 15 yrs with Beretta Pico. Magazine dump Rapid fire shooting as fast as I can pull the trigger. While shooting, moving the pistol rapidly from one target to the next while shooting. Head to bottom target to middle etc.
*barely even use the sight other than in the Peripheral view, Basically Instinctive shooting.
7-10yds standard drill
We do this same drill very often. Also a lot of drillls with LCP22 and LCR 9mm and
These rapid fire drills are designed for hand and eye muscle skills. You must move from one target to the next fast.

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I have three Rugers, P95, SR9, SR1911, all of which are large frame and very good shooters. I picked up two LCP MAX 75 ann, and one of them is fine the other is way off target. Obviously one went back and I'm waiting to hear what Ruger thinks. At the moment I'm not to impressed with Ruger's small frame firearms. Obviously a sampling of two doesn't predict overall percentages.
While I have no problems with the LCP .380, I have to get used to the Security .380 each time. I believe that for me the weight- being more than double the LCP for some reason- throws me off. Again, I mostly use the LCP, which is why this may happen?
I had an LCP. I found it to be an acceptable gun at 10ft. But acceptable isn't good enough. I switched to a Glock 42 and was ringing my steel silhouette at 35yds with no problem. I feel a lot more comfortable carrying the Glock.
I picked up a Kimber 380 a right price once because the owner's shooting "skill set" was deficient. All rounds went low left and he was trying to learn to reload starting with 380. His reloading technique was opposite to what I coached him. I took said item to the range and at 15 yards pretty much held the pattern in the center of a 8x11 typing paper with my reloaded 380 ammo. I had had a similar experience with a Kimber Ultra Compact Custom Shop.
Sounds like 7 shooter with poor form. Slow down on the trigger pull. Keep the front sight hovering on target and slooowwwly press the trigger. Small pistols are hard to shoot well, period. You have to have solid form.

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