Ruger RXM?

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Security 9s are about to join the P series, SR series and likely the American in the discontinued lines of Ruger.
Trade it for a S&W Shield .380EZ.

Ruger competing with Ruger

$250 vs $400

I still have a ( Glock copy )Smith & Wesson Smegma 40 cal.............cuz I can't sell it....( It's the Rodney Dangerfield of Glock's )

Hope this Ruger/Magpul fares better than that.....
I bought an M18 last year. Then went on Ebay and picked up a complete slide for an M17. Since the M18 & M17 share the same frame, 2 for one!
Actually great Marketing. Ruger discontinues the Security 9, comes out with a popular Clone which will appeal to not just Ruger fans but fans of Glock, and others Manufacturers. Great advertisement for MAGPUL. Ruger will make more off Percentages off of Magpul than they do the Ruger Store and much more EXPOSURE!
But will it attract Ruger fans who are hard core Glock haters?
For some people, Glock hate has been as strong as TDS.
I have always believed that Glock haters, hate the owners more than the gun. The constant over the top post about them. Face it, Glock owners always wore blinders to other guns in most cases. I have always said "They are excellent Utilitarian Pistols,. but just not for me. I do not like the amount of vibration, or the fact they would always give me a blister for trigger pinch.". Plus, I thought they were over priced.
Now one thing I see is they all the clones have seen the bad design of the Glock trigger guard for one. Glock never made any issue to correct it even with many that would report the pinch.
I think many people look at the Clones as a way of spitting in the eye of Glock Fans. Hey, I have a BETTER Gun than your Glock so shove it.
Ruger has taken the best of both worlds.
That is NOT true, to the extent that Glock parts will interchange on Glock pistols. For example, a Glock 23 40 cal slide (or a Glock 32 .357SIG slide) will drop right on and function correctly on a Glock 19 frame, but when Dagger owners (including "yours truly") have tried a Glock 23 top half on a Dagger frame, the slide can be forced into place, but it will NOT function (the Dagger trigger bar interferes with & binds the slide). You can get it functioning by modifying or replacing the trigger bar, but either approach voids the PSA warranty; in fact, adding ANY non-PSA parts voids the warranty.

The common perception of the phrase "Glock compatible" is based on experience with Glock handguns, which includes the ability to interchange Glock factory parts on Glock frames, and the ability to use aftermarket parts designed for Glock factory handguns. The PSA Dagger is only partially "Glock compatible", and it's worth knowing that before you buy the PSA product. And FWIW, I'm a long-term PSA customer, and recommend the company & its products to my friends (although some of their products have limitations ;^)...

As always IMHO, YMMV, FWIW, etc., etc...
There's a few differences between Glock 9mm and 40 offerings. For one the ejector.
Face it, Glock owners always wore blinders to other guns in most cases.
Oh goodness NO. Polar opposite.
I was in my early 50s and had owned a Smith 39 and 59, the Ruger P-series guns and a couple others.
Then my disaster into the LCP and LC9s came into play. I chose Ruger at that time cause Sig was having ( I think ) a recall on their P365s. My "LC" experiment was quite a ride. Finger pinch, fail to feed, fail to eject, light primer strikes, etc.
All went back … none got fixed.

In my circles, the Smith and Ruger guys were automatic "gun snobs" cause Glocks looked like a brick. So they never tried one.

So … hello Glock 43, then 30, and 17 and 19x.
The best Customer Service is the one you don't have to use.
I've never needed Customer Service from Glock.
You sound so much like a Glock fan boy. Makes me wonder if Glock actually had a customer service department as Glocks have never in their history had a failure of any kind.. By the way, I am not a Ruger fan boy. I have owned many but the quality is not what it use to be. Have not bought one in many years other than a LCP Gen 2 because of the very low price and use it as a truck/Boat gun. If you like Glocks fine. But if I were Glock, I would start to pay attention to the Clones.
Besides, in my post, I was NOT just comparing Rugers to Glocks. That was just a example since we are on a Ruger forum. There are many manufacturers of fine Pistols in the world we live in. And many are as reliable or more reliable than Glock and shoot much better. Again, Glock is a excellent Utilitarian firearm. And we are seeing more and more great guns produced all the time. Glock is IMO fading. They need to get their head out of the hole.

I am not promoting the RXM. Personally not the least bit interested. The marketing of the gun intrigues me more. What Ruger would I like to have in the future?

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Not sure what about different opinions brings out the name calling, posturing and bravado in you but, there it is …. Again.

I didn't accuse you of being a "fan boy" of any kind.
And it was ME comparing Glocks to the Rugers I had problems with …. Not an arrow slung at you; just that my experience was the polar opposite.

And yes, there are many gun makers in this big old world. I too have owned a few and like many, when I experience problems, I move on to something else for a look-see. $300 to $400 semi-autos ( to me ) aren't worth the aggravation. For me, higher end ( even though a MID price point ) have proven worth the money. Sig P220, CZ75, the Glocks, Ruger SR1911 Commander …. All stellar for me. Your experience may differ.
But will it attract Ruger fans who are hard core Glock haters?
For some people, Glock hate has been as strong as TDS.
Maybe...I don't hate Glocks but never considered buying one because their ergonomics are bad for my hands. Kinda wished they felt better in hand because they're good guns that have so much aftermarket support they are good options.

But, I can't stand the Glock fanboys who buy into the Glock Perfection BS. Glocks are good basic guns that can be highly customized but are basically the Toyota Camry of the gun world.

If the Magpul frame is better for my hands I may consider the RXM. But I am so well stocked on SR9 pistols, parts and magazines that I don't feel much of a need for more 4" bbl 9mm pistols.
The thing that will hurt Glock is lower prices on quality clones.....I remember when Taurus bought Beretta's old tooling and started making clones of the 92F 9mm.....people laughed them off as junk....but look at them now....I see more Taurus's than Beretta's out there.....

Ruger's service dept. is Legendry Great.....and if this New / Cheaper / Quality pistol is as reliable as Glock..... I suspect Glock has some changes coming to stay on top of the heap for plastic auto's.... Maybe the Glock 10/22 or the Glock Mark IV
Not sure what about different opinions brings out the name calling, posturing and bravado in you but, there it is …. Again.

I didn't accuse you of being a "fan boy" of any kind.
And it was ME comparing Glocks to the Rugers I had problems with …. Not an arrow slung at you; just that my experience was the polar opposite.

And yes, there are many gun makers in this big old world. I too have owned a few and like many, when I experience problems, I move on to something else for a look-see. $300 to $400 semi-autos ( to me ) aren't worth the aggravation. For me, higher end ( even though a MID price point ) have proven worth the money. Sig P220, CZ75, the Glocks, Ruger SR1911 Commander …. All stellar for me. Your experience may differ.

You need to relax and quite being so thin skinned. There is nothing wrong with being a "Fan Boy". I guess that is how you personally define it. I am a fan boy of a number of guns. So what? By the way, I owned a LC9S and it was a very reliable pistol, many thousands of rounds down range with it. Snappy for sure, but I loved the thin design. Got rid of it for other reasons.
Have a great day, go out to the range this PM and enjoy. Life is too short to be arguing over a Glock. (Lol, just the name alone has been the cause of many Internet wars). Hey, I love Glock Fan Boys. OK? Even if you are not one.
🍿🍿🍿.......maybe one more.....🍿
Hey we have not had a caliber war in a while. Maybe we should start one. Less Blood shed.

By the way, I have tried to love the Glock, seems every year I would give it ago. And like always the infamous Trigger bite. Just does not work for me., especially when shooting a lot of ammo through one. This time was when I tried out the 19X.

P-guns had a long run. I say bring back an all metal pistol. I am a P-nut and IF they made a P-series again I bet it would sell and sell a lot. The P-guns just have an appeal that is hard to shake.

Keep the P-guns alive!!

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