Ruger RXM?

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With other manufactures in the marketplace of very similar products it is only good market strategy to offer a Ruger version to the thousands and thousands of customers of Ruger products. Senior management and their Board of Directors primary goal is to produce firearms which are profitable. For the past 75 years it would seem that Ruger has accomplished doing just that. I will buy one even though I have a Glock 19X which is a fine handgun for my purposes.
I don't feel like Ruger EVER made a polymer service pistol that actually caught on.
I kept looking at the Ruger American compact in .45ACP but then ran across an awesome deal on my Kahr Arms CW45 … it has been nothing but accurate and reliable. It's only "drawback" is a single-stack magazine and lower capacity, but that keeps the weight down too…
I'm not a gun expert by any definition, but own several guns, primarily for carrying concealed and for home defense. My shaky hands and diminishing eyesight mean that I am no great shakes at the range but that's not a problem for me. This new gun seems to me to be essentially the same as so many other guns on the market, but with a good price. Maybe gun technology has pretty much reached its pinnacle, and that unless someone develops a totally different technology, such as some type of actual "ray" gun, aesthetics will be the primary difference between what is already available on the market.

This new Ruger looks interesting, but I don't see what it will do for me that my Glock 17 (or 26 for that matter) or even my Ruger sr40c doesn't already do, so I don't think its likely that I am going to run out and buy this new hybrid.
personally I never worry about getting parts for a gun... I think I've had to replace a retaining ring on the recoil spring on a P95 once.... that is it. And I'm not going to go the 'Barbie Doll' route with handguns like many do with AR's and such... buy and have a zillion excessories you can tack on. What puts me off most about Glocks or Glock clones or close is how hard they are to break down compared to an Sig or even a Ruger P series pistol.
Ya said "the barbiedoll route" and i thought ya meant the fantastic plastic wondergun thing, until i realised ya meant going out and buying alla blingthings to go with it.
Ya pays ya moneys, and ya takes yer choices
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My issue is Ruger becoming a sad copycat. We already have Palmetto all over this. I would describe Rugers attempts at Strikers as mediocre at best. It looks like they got a decent trigger but time will tell how safe it really is. I give them a 0 for plagiarism.
Exactly. In fact PSA has moved on past the original Dagger and have other options now. The Dagger does have a ton of options though. Probably the most of any brand copying Glock.
OK, I went with this. Will pick up latter today. $364.24 out the door.
Did I need ANOTHER pistol, no, but for less than $375, I'll take the chance.
Love to see a range review of it, especially if you have a Glock or PSA Dagger to compare it with side by side.
Will Glock Barrels fit? At least you would have options like adding threads, ports and comps readily available.
That's the thing that makes the PSA Dagger so buildable. Buy a Dagger compact or full size frame and you can build it up with Glock parts if you want, or the huge inventory of PSA parts.
Looks like a copy of PSA's copy of Glock...

Cheaper at PSA
Gee I wonder if that hasn't been mentioned in this thread a zillion times? :rolleyes:
I don't hate it.
'Course, I don't hate PSA's Dagger, either. IN fact, I think it makes a lot of sense.
I kinda think this does, too.
I'm not going to rush out and buy it. I might end up with one down the road, though, depending on how things shake out with it for things like barrels and such.
Exactly. In fact PSA has moved on past the original Dagger and have other options now. The Dagger does have a ton of options though. Probably the most of any brand copying Glock.

Love to see a range review of it, especially if you have a Glock or PSA Dagger to compare it with side by side.

That's the thing that makes the PSA Dagger so buildable. Buy a Dagger compact or full size frame and you can build it up with Glock parts if you want, or the huge inventory of PSA parts.

Gee I wonder if that hasn't been mentioned in this thread a zillion times? :rolleyes:

As if I have time to read 4 pages on a subject in which I have zero interest.... :rolleyes:
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You can get a new frame for 40 bucks and mags for 15. Sad they charge extra for a mag loader (15). This is a Magpul copy in my opinion with a Ruger logo. Magpul frame and mags. Lots of the same type of comments but there is mine.

Ruger has been moving towards glock guns for awhile though. The PC rifle came with a glock magwell... That is one reason I never got the Ruger pistol to match with the PC rifle.

I don't do much gun stuff anymore but from tinkering aspect, the frame for 40 bucks seems cool. A guy could buy a frame to customize to his hand easy and may yield a new favorite pistol.
So many of you guys hate a product even before it hits the shelves, I don't know how the gun industry survives.
cause there is a lot of other stuff out there we don't hate. lol
Seriously, I don't hate it, just not that moved by it. I probably should order one for the shop but ehhhhhh
It's hard for me to get excited about another 9mm.
I will never understand why folks have an issue taking the slide of a Glock. I'm not a Glock Fan Boy but I do own a couple, and built up a few Daggers. It seems the biggest issue with the folks I know is the release tabs. Once I show them how to hold the Glock in web of strong hand, fingers on top of slide to bring slide rearwards slightly, and use weak hand thumb and pointing finger to pull down BOTH release tabs from underneath and let the slide go forward they say "huh...that was easy". They never have an issue again.
Yeah, but take down a HK. Index slide, push out pin, done. So much easier.
I like it! A lot of good features at an affordable price. I just hope they don't recall it three weeks from now.

Remember that time when Ruger introduced a copy of the KelTec P3AT and everyone moaned and complained? Word on the street was that it was doomed to fail. 2 million LCP's later….
From what I have seen on this pistol, IMO it is the best or potentially the best Pistol Ruger has put out in many years. In quality, and for what Ruger was known for. Quality guns for the general public at bargain prices. The current Cost of the LCP's for example are ridiculous for the low Quality. Basically new cosmetics for a $200.00 gun as one example. Ruger is not the same company it use to be. Taurus has moved up in Pistols and revolvers while Ruger has gone down. Ruger has become stagnant in new pistols and revolvers.
I see the Ruger LCP Max at $372 at Buds. How the heck this gun cost almost the same as the RXM does not make any sense. And if I am not mistaken, the LCP only come with ONE magazine? If so, that is a real rip off.
I like it! A lot of good features at an affordable price. I just hope they don't recall it three weeks from now.

Remember that time when Ruger introduced a copy of the KelTec P3AT and everyone moaned and complained? Word on the street was that it was doomed to fail. 2 million LCP's later….
Can't argue with that. And the LCP is still selling. The same goes with the LC9s. I have never been excited about glocks nor its copies, but if I like one, it would be the Bul Armory Cleaver, even though this Ruger with the FCI sounds interesting with the possibility to change grip size.

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