Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag - Built Like A Brick ****house

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Jun 17, 2006
Florence, SC
And shoots like one too!

I love how this pistol looks, it's built like a rock, but the trigger pull on this thing is incredible.

I've read on this forum not to mess with the trigger as if you mess something up it's almost impossible to get replacement parts.

It is a new gun. I'm hoping that with some range time and wear & tear the trigger will lighten up.

Any advice?
My bought-new 44 Redhawk (5.5" stainless) came right out of its box and onto the gunshop counter, where it was then compared in a blindfold test with at least a dozen other big-hole revolvers (to include S&W 'regular' and PC models, Dan Wesson, and Taurus).
Its DA trigger stroke was voted "Best by far".

I don't shoot it SA, 'cause that part sucks.

The 'old' trick is to coat its internal trigger parts with toothpaste (UltraBrite is a good choice) and then dry-fire it 10,000 times.
Not joking.

For less effort there is MagnaPort and Stroh and Hamilton (both Alex and Bowen) and others, but they cost more.
I've heard of the toothpaste thing, but haven't tried it.

After a complete tear down, clean and polish, I use moly on all of the bearing surfaces and shoot the heck out of it.

I'm please with both DA and SA now.
The Redhawk is my hard use 44 mag, my Smiths are heavy 44 specials only, the RH is a true 44 mag. I'm sure they can be popped but you'd have to work to do it, the RH/SRH's are the strongest DA 44's out there and a good case can be made for them being the strongest 44's period.
I've been waiting for just under a year for my Redhawk. I told my dealer it must be a very popular model, so much so that the factory can't keep up with the demand or Ruger just isn't producing them like they should. When I first ordered my .44 Redhawk I figured it be in, in a couple of days. When the dealer finally did get it in, several months later, he had about 20 offers to buy it. Sorry guys, I special ordered this one.

Does anybody know if the hammer can be replaced. My S&W's, the part of the hammer where your thumb pulls it back, is at least twice the size as the Ruger. It does make it a little more confortable when cocking the hammer back.