Ruger Records Check and Letters of Authenticity

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I talked to a Ruger rep today regarding a request for three Letters of Authenticity for my OM Rugers. I'd sent them a check on May 14. And the check hasn't even cleared yet.

He told me that with their current backlog, Ruger owners should be prepared to wait up to 60 days before their requests are processed.

So if you've requested letters and wonder what's going on...that's the answer. Just thought I'd pass the info along.
I sent in a request for 8 letters on 5/17/13. Mine arrived yesterday. Have patience,, as it takes an employee TIME away from their regular job.
Yep. Now that ALL requests involve creating a "letter" there is much more time required to process each and every inquiry.

Way back when, a simple 'phone inquiry not requesting a confirming letter could be processed in a couple of minutes. The "new, improved" procedure has blown the process time up to the point where we are seeing these long return times.

Progress??? Not so much.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
It took almost a year to get a letter from Ruger. I had several conversations with the girls but they kept telling me they had to get the OK from there legal dept. before they could provide the information I requested. When the letter came through they only gave the date shipped. They said their legal dept. will not allow them to tell us who the gun was shipped to or where it was shipped to. That's a real dummer when you know it was a factory employee gun and can't get it confirmed!!!
sometime I think if you tell them 'up front' that you have a gun that belonged to "so & so" and they have allowed that to come back to you, but not always, again, depends a LOT on just "who" ( whom) is doing the asking :roll:
I think things have changed Dan says that is the "OLD RUGER RECORDS" way....

I don't think things are going to ever be the people ways....RR.
Gives a very good picture of what they had to start charging the nominal fee for this. If they're still this backlogged, imagine now how many they had when everyone and anyone was calling about their standard production 1 year old Single Six.
Yes, but when we got an immediate answer to a simple 'phone request, it was handled with no delay. The worst I ever had on a one-gun call was a call-back a couple of hours later. And I always asked first if they were busy and usually was told "No . . . how many do you want to check on?" I never asked for more than three at once, and have only "lettered" two or three altogether.

Now that EVERY request requires a letter, the backlog will just continue to grow. I think they have made more work for themselves at a very low "$$ return $$" for their efforts.

I can't help but begin to believe they are hoping that the long delays will cause us to stop requesting information completely.

Yes, and you get considerably more for your money than from Ruger. But this whole thing is new to Rugerphiles used to getting the admittedly limited info for free, backed up by a free, if equally limited, letter of confirmation/documentation if requested.

Gonna take a while for this to shake out in Rugerdom. I cannot help but wonder how many would pay $50 for a more detailed "letter". I'm sure there are a few, with the emphasis on "few".
Actually, many of us who collect & display Rugers probably have several we'd spend $50 or more for letters on guns if it included a lot more details. I can think of well over 2 dozen in my collection I'd spend that on.
A good letter with a lot of details can raise (or lower) the value of a gun by more than the cost of a letter.
The biggest obstacle I see is the organization of all the records, into a format where all the details we'd desire could be easily available. Yes, the technology is out there to make it easier,, but the labor costs of putting it all together would be huge initially. It'd take a good long while for Ruger to recoup their expenses if they did it.
What contender said! If the gun is worthwhile to have the letter on, the small fee is moot.

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