Ruger photos

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Apr 6, 2009
s.e. iowa
Have been enjoying other photos for a while so I decided to post a few my own. They are nothing fancy,all are shooters. I also included a few photos of knives that my brother in law made for me.
The last post was intended to say my brother in law made the knives for me, but considering posting the photos was my tenth try I decided to settle for adding a note.
WELCOME to the Ruger Forum, vllyby!!! GREAT PIC'S!!! AWESOME Knives!!! Them guns ain't bad either!!! :mrgreen:
Those are some nice guns and really nice knives!

I see you "flopped" the second picture. The funny part was that I didn't notice because of the loading gate on the wrong side. I was trying to tell what cal. the gun is and then saw the backwards s/n!

Rob, If you knew how many times I attempted to post those pics you would understand the flop. The gun you mentioned is a 44mag as is the other super. Below is a 41mag and next is 357mag and bottom left is a 22-22mag. I still need a 45cal. charlie
Charlie, yes, I remember well when I first attempted to post a picture. It's an obtuse system but one gets used to it.

I wanted to comment again on those knives. They are really neat. Even better that they were made by a family member. What treasures!

Rob, Your right about the knives,they will likely be in the family along time. The two in the picture I bought one for my grandson and the other for a new grandson in april. For christmas I got one for each of my two sons and I had him make a letter opener for my daughter. I'm lucky I am related to an Idaho knife maker. charlie
Nice bunch of goodies. How do you like the walther? I friend has one and its a blast to shoot. I need a .22 pistol but cant decide between the walther, a single-six or a MKIII.
nnero93 The walther is fun to shoot , small, easy to take along, but if I want to shoot something or hunt squirrels I take my single six. The walther is plastic and feels like a toy, Rugers are real guns. Still I'm glad I bought it, just for the fun factor. charlie
Thanks, I started another thread to help me in my decision. To make matters worse, i have a nice refund check coming but it has to go towards my vehicle and other "important" things.