Ruger P95

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Nov 17, 2009
Bluffton, Ohio
At first I had some issues but come to find out that it was I that had the issues.
I cleaned it and now it preforms as it should. Makes a great home defense gun. A little to big for CCW but thats what smaller guns are made for.
So far it eats what ever I give it.
Very happy with it. :D
Riley ... First of all welcome to the forum ... glad to have you aboard! Secondly, congrats on your new P95. It is a great gun for home defense gun while a little wide, many here do carry it (It was my 1st carry gun and I still carry it from time to time).
I like my p95 too. I have my stainless p95 in a fobus holster on my hip right now as I'm typing. Never know when some would-be home invader will stop by for a visit. :)
Offer him a lead sandwich.You have to be hospitable.Never know what the poor unfortunate's home life was like. :roll:

Congrats on yer P95.(LOVE MINE)
Glad to hear working out for you!.

But see yer a new member.......
I wanna give you MY BEST ADVICE!

When it comes to extra magazines......

Others will disagree....
Their are cheaper after market mags out there..
I know, got a pile of them rusting away.

Ya can't beat the factory mags!
I kind of agree... even though I have a goodly number of after market mags... and never had a problem... even though I hardly ever use them... so they just sit there.... for the little extra... I like to have that eagle emblem on them (actually I think it's a dragon)
I agree about the factory mags.However,you cant't go wrong with Mecgar mags.They make some for the manufacturers but they are not always marked with Mecgar name.
I'm positive that Mecgar makes the SR9 factory mags---not sure about the P-series but I wouldn't doubt that they make those too.

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