Ruger P95

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Nov 17, 2009
Bluffton, Ohio
Ok, a couple of weeks ago I got my P95 and finely got out to shoot it two days ago.
The first few shots were ok but then it started to stove pipe and jam almost every other shot.
We looked it over and thought maybe the slide was hanging up and not sliding back far enough on the recoil, it did look a little dry. We sprayed it with a cleaner then oiled and worked it a few times and after that it worked fine.
Has anyone had anything like this before?
The gun feels great when functioning as it should.

I forgot to mention that it is a brand new gun.
Sounds like it was way too dry or even more likely (if used) just gunked up with something... take it back out and see how it does...

somefolks on this list put hundreds of rounds through theirs at an outing... I only do about 30 and I often don't clean or lub between these... never had a fail to fire or eject.
Hello there riley. Welcome to the forum.

I don't know if the P95 is brand new or not, but it is standard procedure to thoroughly clean a new gun and lube it. I'd do the same to a used gun that I just purchased. A little lubricant on the slide rails will do the trick.

I wouldn't worry about your P95. Just clean it up and lube it and take it out for another few hundred rounds of shooting.

Good luck. Keep us updated. :)
I just bought another P95 over the weekend. I had bought one when they first came out back in the 90's, but I sold it a couple of years ago.....don't know why.

Anyway, on my first P95, there were a few FTE's during the first hundred rounds or so. After that, it ran smoothly for years without any other failures.

I think some others around here have had similar experiences with the P95 needing a little "breaking in" to work perfectly.
I just purchased a brand new Ruger P95 9mm, and it jams every shot. The spent round stove-pipes, by hitting the next round, stopping it from ejecting, and turning it vertical where it is jammed by the slide. This is NOT an ejector problem, because when I take the clip out and then feed it one round at a time it shoots and ejects the casing fine as a single shot. Only when I put a clip in does it jam. Looking at the level of the next round, it is clearly up into the path for the ejecting casing, there is no way the spent round can be ejected with the clip feeding the next round way up into the path of the spent round. I am trying to figure out how to make the clip not fit so high into the gun to block the spent round from ejecting. I tried several clips and they all do it.

Yup, cleaned it before use, wiped out the grease, and used gun oil and break-free. Compared to my other semi-autos, the next shell in the clip is way up into the path to eject the spent casing, I mean almost 3/4 in line. This must be a design flaw for my gun. The other semi-autos (40S&W, 45ACP) are no where near that high into the ejection line for the spent casing. As I stated, it works fine as a single shot, and when there is only one round in the clip.
Internet speak police--MAGAZINE

Did you clean it before you shot it?

Are you limpwristing it?
do what i had to do.................. send it into ruger.
I spent eight months of trying to work on mine to get to work right, had magazine latch problems, fail to extract, fail eject.
The only thing I did fix myself was the mag dropping out by replacing both r/l mag release and the mag catch spring. Ruger fixed the rest by replacing the extractor, ejector and the recoil spring assembly.

It needed all that work done on brand new outta the box gun.
Works fine now all on their dime/shipping and all.

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Alaska.the way you describe the lining up of the mag at the top sounds like maybe the cut in the mag tube may be off or the cutout in the gun for the mag release may be off.I would do what bthomas recommends.Send it back and avoid the frustration.Just be patient.Good luck.
Alaska I would try taking the magazine apart first. It almost sounds like the spring is in the mag backwards.

Any way there is little to lose by trying to reseat the spring in the magazine.


I have a KP95PR and the first "mags" :))) I had about 5 FTE's and I thought to myself, "well that f'n figures!" I brought it home and found this forum. I learned to field strip my gun, properly clean & lubricate and most importantly, to hold it properly. I was limp wristing. I now have probably 3-4 hundred rounds thru it with no issues.
I recently purchased a P95 and absolutely love it! I've fired 350 rounds including Wolf w/o a hitch. So far, a very, very good gun.

I just got a brand new blued p95 9mm. This is my first handgun that I personally owned. I have shot many of my friends handguns in the past. Reason i got the p95 was a buddy of mine has a p94 9mm shot it and loved it. They dont make the p94 9mm anymore so the p95 was the gun i had to buy no big deal great gun. However I put the first 40 rounds through it today and it jams every 4 or 5 rounds. I'm shooting Independence 115gr rounds because I live in upstate NY and its the only 9mm ammo i could find. I have read a lot about limpwristing and i thought thats what i was doing wrong but then i thought about it and realized with every other gun i have ever shot nothing like this ever happened. Any thoughts?
jbender-have you cleaned it yet. If you have not I would suggest you field strip it & give it a good cleaning & lubrication. Then try again.
If it is limp wristing, that is the absolute easiest problem to desern and fix.

Oddly enough my P95 causes me to limp wrist other semiautos.

Just go back and shoot some more. People talk about the ammo in a P95 but I have yet to find some that won't work with it.

I would clean and lube pistol real good and possibly check the mags... and maybe polish under the feed lip of the magazine. Worse case is you have an ejector problem with the gun... Ruger will fix it.
blume357":305lw8lm said:
Sounds like it was way too dry or even more likely (if used) just gunked up with something... take it back out and see how it does...

somefolks on this list put hundreds of rounds through theirs at an outing... I only do about 30 and I often don't clean or lub between these... never had a fail to fire or eject.

Took it out today and everything was fine!
Worked like it should! :D