Ruger P944 .40 S&W Opinions Please

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Just got my new kp944 about three weeks ago and have to say I love this gun!

I have shot about 500 rounds through it so far, so definitely still getting to know it, but have so far had perfect reliability with it (zero ftf or fte). I have not been able to get anything but fmj ammo yet for it so can't say how it will handle other, but all .40 rounds are flat-nose, so jhp should perform just as well.

Seems to be very accurate, although my brother (ex military marksman) has shot better with it than I. He showed me up with a 1.5" grouping at 25yds.

I'd definitely recommend the gun to others.
The P94 is a great pistol geo57.

It has fine accuracy, it reliable as ANY pistol out there, feeds anything with reason and is pretty darn good looking, imo.

You could go much more wrong by choosing the P94 and I am not completely sure you could do any better.

I have Sig's and love them, don't get me wrong, But lately my P94's just get shot more. My P94's oddly feed low end pip-squeak loads better than anything else when in load testing, and they are comfortable with full-house rounds because of their size. They are a full-sized service pistol, so you aren't likely to hide them well while carrying. Sometimes I feel the guys in Newport are sneaking over to Exeter to take a peek at what is going on as the P Series seemed to me to get more Sig like as time went along.

Clean it when you get it, and add a little lube to the rails. Rest assured you will be buying a fine pistol. Try to shoot it out, but being a Ruger you aren't likely to do it.
P95 owner here. I just now looked at an exploded view of KP 944 and realized that it had the camblock like my p95. I thought that only the Polymer frame Rugers had the Camblock and that the aluminum frame models had the 1911 style barrel link as is found on the p89 and p90. I'm really excited about the KP944 now. I was told by a Ruger Machinist that the reason they changed the Barrel linkage on the P95 was that the polymer frame couldn't handle the shock. So, to me, It seemed like the camblock was an improvement in design. Which made me not want to get a p89 or p90. But with the P944 I get the best of both worlds. I get the Newer design and the Great look of the Aluminum frame. Sweet.
:lol: While the 944 and it's big brother the P-90 could be considered Ruger's best efforts at producing a centerfire semiauto pistol, in my opinion they both have as much visual appeal as a claw hammer!

Anthony Williams
Anthony Williams":165s3pq7 said:
They both have as much visual appeal as a claw hammer!

LOL !!! Anthony's baaaaaaaack !!!!

Let us know how you really feel, dude !!

Stick around a while this time !

My KP944 camblock design has reliability issues(extractor needed tightened, still jams once in a while), relatively difficult to rack the slide, and poor accuracy compared to my KP95DC. No problem with durability or recoil- the P944 is built like a tank.
My P-944 was manufactured in '99 if I recall correctly. It doesn't have the camblock though it has the swinging link. It has had one ammo related malfuncition in somewhere between 2500-3000 rounds (not the guns fault). While I shoot my XD a little better I believe the P-944 is plenty accurate. I think the ergonomics of the other gun just work a little better for me.
COFFEEPOT (a member here who worked on the design of the P-series) says if you have a P-944 with the swinging link you have a good gun. He says if you have the camblock you have a better gun. I would make sure it has the camblock if I were buying one now.
Camblock vs. Swinging link on your 944 is actually a moot point. The advantage of the Camblock design is that it has one less moving part. And supposedly the Camblock takes more of the stress off of the frame. But when you consider that the frame on your 944 is a alloy that is harder than a Tax Collector's heart, it's really not anything that I would be too concerned about. Swinging link / Camblock they both perform the same function.
I have had a P944 40 cal for about 5 years and it was never an accurate gun. But it has gotten worse over time. About 3500 rounds through it and they are all over the place with a couple of flingers per magazine. I might think it is me but I also shoot a sig 229 40 and a CZ 75B in 40 and both guns have great groups and accuracy. Any ideas on what to look at in this gun to fix it. I am about to give up on it. Joe
I love my 944. No reliability issues, very accurate (much more then I am) and eats pretty much anything. Plus, its really fun to shoot. The only issue I've had with mine is not feeding with some reloads. It was the rounds and not the guns fault. I found out later that a lot of people have had issues with those particular reloads. They were bought since I dont have room to do my own loading and it was during the big ammo hoarding.
geo57 Have you had someone else that you know is a good shooter shoot the gun or shot it off a rest? I own a P94 in .40 & while it is not the gun I shoot the best it is decently accurate. To be honest the trigger on these guns is harder to use than some other guns I have shot. The grip is big & bulky. The mechanical accuracy of mine is fine for its intended purpose. I do shoot my XD better though although I suspect the mechanical accuracy of the 2 is similar.

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