Ruger P90 45acp. ???

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Aug 22, 2009
I thought these guns were no longer produced ...I've seen several NIB lately ? :shock:
Yes, you can still get the P90. One of the best shooting 45's I've ever had. If your not hung up on 45 auto branding a P90 will get it done a lot cheaper than most others in the same class....and last forever....and still be around when the others are gone.... I love them.
Every time I see a post like this on the P90....

Gotta point out,
Do the minimal research on the P90 barrel design history...

The P90 , prolly Rugers best, most accurrate .45acp ever.
:wink: The P-90 in my opinion, like many of Ruger's early attempts at producing a center fire semi-auto had the same visual appeal as a pipe wrench. In respect to the P-90, I had one, and wish I still did. It was the most accurate "out of the box" 45's I've ever shot. I recall it had a problem of failing to go into full battery when I first got it. Took it too a gunsmith who fixed it beore I could finish a cup of coffee while I waited. After that my P-90 never failed. Would I buy another one? G/D right I would!

Anthony Williams
I believe it was fitted with a target Bar-Sto barrel right from the factory. Ruger's most accurate centerfire semi. Nothing else in the line compares to it. If you're interested in accuracy, the only Ruger CF semi to consider.
I will never part with my P90. It has been my only CCW for 15 years now. Had to have the feed ramp polished when I got it but that is it. It will eat any ammo other than rat shot (have to cycle the action by hand) and scoffs at +P+. One thing I did notice soon after I bought it is that it likes grease on the slide rails rather than oil.
"I did a search. Nothing. What's the deal?"

They brought in a "GUY"
Don't ask details, been too long to remember names but....

The factory P90 barrel is more accurate than others cause,
They brought in a top barrel designer....They wanted the P90 to kick ass...

From day one,P90 owners that experimented with several factory loads, found out...that their gun just as accurrate as more expensive models!

My favorite house gun is a Ruger P91...a .40sw.
Customized with nite sites and a laser grip.
Accurate and reliable........BUT.........
Know NOT the tack Driver a P90 is,if ya find the right round for yer gun!
:wink: The story as I remember it was that Irv Stone of Bar-Sto bbls fame played a role in the development of the bbls for the P-90. Hence, the better than average accuracy of this weapon.

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