Ruger no. 1 with inlaid logo

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Nov 15, 2024
I just saw a Ruger no. 1 with a Ruger logo inlaid into the stock on the left side. I haven't ever seen that before is it rare or common? Was it done by the factory?
Ruger no. 1 inlaid logo.jpg
That just looks like a "SR" vintage standard (~.500) revolver grip medallion that has been fitted.
Weird that they only did one side.
I highly doubt this was done by Ruger. Most likely Bubba…🙄

IMO There are better Medallions to use on a No.1.
I'm definitely one that like to make it "mine" but that medallion looks cheeep to me on a No.1
I think these ~.750 made of pewter would have been better.
FWIW; Standard "SR" logo medallions are ~.500
One of my pet peeves is when some joker puts a swivel stud in a 1A or other Alex Henry No. One fore-end. It looks stupid and there's no compelling reason for doing it since there's a swivel attachment on the barrel!
My fix for one adulterated like this was to cover the hole with a No. One bronze grip cap medallion. Looks pretty nice there actually.