Well I am in the look for another MKII..
I had to sell my Government Target Model & Competition Target Models a while back to make ends meet..
Last weekend I saw a guy with a Stainless 6 7/8" Tapered Target who wanted $275 with one magazine & no box etc..
Should I have passed it up??
I will more than likely see him again at the gunshow the 1st-3rd of January & wondered about the current prices that the MKIIs bring?
I just can't get passes the loaded chamber indicator, magazine safety, & internal locking device that the current MKIIIs have..
Also I noticed that on the Sturm Ruger website that the tapered target models aren't listed any longer..
I was almost set on buying a Glock 26 but already have a G19 RTF2 plus a few S&W snubs that can be carried alot easier than a Glock..
Also I "NEED" a 22 rimfire pistol to shoot cheaply when I go to the range, I already have a 10/22 that's my rimfire rifle..
I'm gonna have a look at this guys MKII again "Closely" & make him an offer of $250 but might go $275??
I need to check it out & make sure the extractor isn't broken & that it's bolt looks good etc..
Probobly then buy a Volquartzen extractor & a couple extra magazines & a set of Hogue Target Grips..
So what's the current market value of Ruger MKIIs??
I didn't see many for sale on Auction Arms or Gunbroker..
I had to sell my Government Target Model & Competition Target Models a while back to make ends meet..
Last weekend I saw a guy with a Stainless 6 7/8" Tapered Target who wanted $275 with one magazine & no box etc..
Should I have passed it up??
I will more than likely see him again at the gunshow the 1st-3rd of January & wondered about the current prices that the MKIIs bring?
I just can't get passes the loaded chamber indicator, magazine safety, & internal locking device that the current MKIIIs have..
Also I noticed that on the Sturm Ruger website that the tapered target models aren't listed any longer..
I was almost set on buying a Glock 26 but already have a G19 RTF2 plus a few S&W snubs that can be carried alot easier than a Glock..
Also I "NEED" a 22 rimfire pistol to shoot cheaply when I go to the range, I already have a 10/22 that's my rimfire rifle..
I'm gonna have a look at this guys MKII again "Closely" & make him an offer of $250 but might go $275??
I need to check it out & make sure the extractor isn't broken & that it's bolt looks good etc..
Probobly then buy a Volquartzen extractor & a couple extra magazines & a set of Hogue Target Grips..
So what's the current market value of Ruger MKIIs??
I didn't see many for sale on Auction Arms or Gunbroker..