Ruger MKII Tapered 6 7/8" Target Stainless??s

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Feb 2, 2004
Louisville Kentucky
Well I am in the look for another MKII..
I had to sell my Government Target Model & Competition Target Models a while back to make ends meet..
Last weekend I saw a guy with a Stainless 6 7/8" Tapered Target who wanted $275 with one magazine & no box etc..
Should I have passed it up??
I will more than likely see him again at the gunshow the 1st-3rd of January & wondered about the current prices that the MKIIs bring?
I just can't get passes the loaded chamber indicator, magazine safety, & internal locking device that the current MKIIIs have..
Also I noticed that on the Sturm Ruger website that the tapered target models aren't listed any longer..
I was almost set on buying a Glock 26 but already have a G19 RTF2 plus a few S&W snubs that can be carried alot easier than a Glock..
Also I "NEED" a 22 rimfire pistol to shoot cheaply when I go to the range, I already have a 10/22 that's my rimfire rifle..

I'm gonna have a look at this guys MKII again "Closely" & make him an offer of $250 but might go $275??
I need to check it out & make sure the extractor isn't broken & that it's bolt looks good etc..
Probobly then buy a Volquartzen extractor & a couple extra magazines & a set of Hogue Target Grips..

So what's the current market value of Ruger MKIIs??
I didn't see many for sale on Auction Arms or Gunbroker..
gary, that is a very fair price, what I have sold them for around here....I too, prefer, the earlier Mk II, than the MK III, cannot get past all the 'lawyered up' crap...yeah, I know "safety first"...BUT.......
as for a box, they are around,common,hell I probably got one laying back in the stash.........
go for what YOU like and yes, try to 'deal".....

good luck and best in the new Year to you................
Hey if I pick it up Dan I'll give you an email about maybe possibly picking one of those tupperware boxes up from you..
To me just the added steps for disassembly that require the magazine & the other BS is enough to make me "Run Away" from the MKIII
This will be Jan 1st
Happy new Year DanT
[email protected]
I don't make it up to Ohio but need to someday..
Just not worth traveling that far..
I usualy try an stay in Kentucky & Indiana on my gunshows
I'll let you know what I find @ the Gunshow in Louisville
Here's what the pistol in question Looked like..
I found this pic via Google search & rehosted..
berettapistols":3r8zsp2v said:
Last weekend I saw a guy with a Stainless 6 7/8" Tapered Target who wanted $275 with one magazine & no box etc..
Should I have passed it up??

Seems fair to me. I recently paid a little more than that for a NIB model, but I also felt that I got a very good deal.

The stainless 6-7/8" Target with tapered barrel isn't as common as many other configurations.

If you like it, you'd better haggle and see what you can come up with.

Good luck!
Oh I'd pay extra for a new one..
I've got enough booty, have been wanting to replace my favorite shooters that I had to sell/trade..
This Tapered Barrel Target seemed to be very sweet..
BTW I have a torn rotator cuff in my strong side right shoulder & also thought the lighter weight might also be a benifit of that barrel..
If my Buddy still has it, I will lay $250 in his lap & see what that does..
I know what to look for, Broken extractor, loose barrel/reciever to frame, gouged mainspring housing, broken rear sights etc..
In fact that reminds me to put a paperclip in my pocket along with my bore light & tie wrap cutter..
the point , on the lower left, hooks under and lifts up the 'stem' in the mainspring a paper clip or a hook made out of nylon, or scratching it all with a screwdriver ( though that is usually the handiest around...) just gotta be careful you do NOT scratch it all up or gouge it like MOST folks seem to do........ :roll:
Hey that could even be used to open your mail with..
Hopefully it doesn't work on "BILLS"
I can open "Most" MKII mainspring latches with my thumbnail if I'm carefull, which I always am..
A "Booby Pin" works best for this task IMO..
Thanks for the tip Dan..
I'll have to come up & see you & Laura sometime..
rugerguy":1rajw8k0 said:
the point , on the lower left, hooks under and lifts up the 'stem' in the mainspring a paper clip or a hook made out of nylon, or scratching it all with a screwdriver ( though that is usually the handiest around...) just gotta be careful you do NOT scratch it all up or gouge it like MOST folks seem to do........ :roll:

Yes, I stopped using the paper clip on blue ones.
Have to give that letter opener a try. Didn't figure that tip was strong enough. thanks
just enought to get the lever "lifted" (started) then you use your finger tips or a strong finger nail( if you eat LOTS of calcium or gelatin, or whatever...)
Hey I don't use 'booby pins' after I grew out of my 'fro, years ago........... :roll:

Hey Gary come up to the OGCA in Wilmington, page me and I'll get you in with a "guest pass".............lots of the Ruger folkss will be there, as well as quite a few of the 'smith boys...I think Bob C is coming , his daughter is "supposed" to bring him down. you'll enjoy it...........
I need to come up there sometime..
I have a buudy near there that I've never met..
Remember when you sent me a couple of goodies for my Ole Dan Wesson 15-2?? I owe you one Dan..
Hopefully Tommarow I'll be telling you of the days spoils..
Ruger Glock HK SIG S&W who knows??
Gary Out!!
I picked it up this afternoon..
I had my choice of three different MKIIs that were used & that were what I was looking for..
I ended up picking up the 6 7/8" Tapered Stainless Target Model..
Serial Number places it's date of birth to 1986..
In probobly 95% + condition..
Only had one magazine & came with a set of Rosewood Eagle Grips with thumb rest + factory grips
Now I need to score a case, manual & a few extra magazines..
Got it apart on my bench now..
Needed a good cleaning & some TLC..
Pics to come as soon as I get it back together & all cleaned up..
well, nice thing about the 'stainless' it will clean up to look like NEW........takes only a few minutes to 'detail' them......
sounds like YOU are a "happy camper" ( yeah, I have the case ,as well as the manual here , if you need one), and my guess, CDNN or one of them' on line' houses, will sell the extra magazines cheaper than you could find at any of the shows..we see the mags pushing $25-28 around here....
It did clean up pretty good, There's always a few marks that won't rub out with the scotch brite..
Went ahead & set the overtravel screw so there's just a small amount of overtravel..
Detail stripped it & cleaned her up..
Magazines run $23 @ the show, may go back Sunday..
Last MKII magazines I bought were $16ea??
Bad thing about this show is it was "Packed" & there was probobly 10,000 people in the room.. Four guns "Walked Away" yesterday when it was crowded to the max..
Give me an email Dan, I still have your business card but no email address for you..
Could realy use the case + manual..
My Email is [email protected]
Here's a pic I just took of the MKII..
Ruger MKII Target 1986
I have an identical gun (except the grips) made in the same year. MKIIs are getting scarce in CA, and they are due to drop off the (xxx%%#@@!!!XXX) "Safe Handgun List" soon. What a crock.
If I lived in California, I'd Move..
I mean realy what's with all these "Crazy" handgun laws there??
I have a buddy there who wanted a S&W M547 revolver but being it's not on the list he can only buy one from another californian who is willing o sell it??
I guess there's less crime etc there because all the "Nutcase" Laws
I know I feel safer just knowing that others in my country are being repressed & have 10 round magazines too..
Total "Crock of $#!%"
I guess I was lucky to find a decent example being it's 24 years old & I figure I just cleaned it for the first time by the looks of the inerds
Trigger was caked with rubbish & was gritty, Now it's all lubed & clean.

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