Ruger MK II complete lower receivers question.

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Sep 27, 2009
I'am a new guy on this forum. I have couple of Rugers MK II and Ruger 77/22. I just finished looking thrue my stuff and found 2 complete lower MK II receivers and one 22/45 complete lower receiver.Also 1 MK II upper receiver without barrel. All complete with bolts and in like new condition. I think those are will be perfect who would like to buy Pac-Lite uppers and just drop them in or other custom needs.
I would like to sell them, but i do not have any idea how much those receivers cost, so i do not know what price to ask.
I hope that you guys could help me out with that problem.
Thank you in advance!
I am not sure what the MKII receivers are worth. You can pic up complete guns starting around $200.00 depending on model. But I would like to have the opportunity to buy one if you sell them.
The great thing about the lower recievers is that they are not a S/N part so they can be sent at will through the mail.

The bad part is that you need a bolt for it to work on a Pac-lite upper. Ruger used to sell them for around $60 as new replacement parts, but would not sell unless they fitted to their receiver.

The gunbroker advice is will get a lot more money for them if you have the bolt needed to where all you need is to slap on an upper and be ready to go...still you will probably not get as much as you would hope simply because people get complete beaters for $200 then selll the uppers for $100+

Same problem with 10/22 is so saturated it is almost as cheap to just buy a starter gun and work from there.
I might be interested in the .22/45 lower if you want to part with it.
Thank you for quick respond guys. I will make pictures and put them on gunbroker today. Each receiver has bolt included, so you do not need to buy anything. Just buy an upper and gun is complete.
Hello everybody!
Here is my auctions for Ruger complete lower receivers
My username on gunbroker kisa1973.
Auction numbers: 141599366 , 141599729 , 141599894 .
Also check other auctions i have there for other Ruger parts.
Thank You!

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