the serial numbers may appear on the box itself, but mainly the shipper ( cardboard sleeve ) will have the serial number written on the end.thats why the entire "package" can and will be of MORE value with ANY given firearm....the red/white ,one -piece ,fold-up boxes that the early "new models" came in, the serial number was written as well on the front side of the box, in white chalk/crayon/china marker, and NOT on the end labels i, fact many of the end labels would fall off qu9ite easily onthese boxes, and then ,underneath, would be "pre printed" ,in white lettering, either RST standard auto ( shorter boxes) and BN-36 357 blackhawk, ( longer boxes) and then the label applied and the serial number written ( marked ) on the front panel.............
then later, the one piece yellow ,with black end, NO markings under the label, the label told you what was in the box, and in fact towards the end of these boxes, ONLY the shipper was marked, and the box inside was "plain, generic...." yes, can and does get very confusing at times, so all you can do is ask......................
so 'double maduro' is correct............................ :wink: