Back to LCR grips, the one Hittman suggested, the Hogue Tamer, would give you the best comfort and control. I had all three factory sizes by Ruger on my two LCRs in 357, the shortest boot grip they offered on the 2" LCR and these longer ones on my LCRx 3". They help, and they're not too expensive, for comfort, those are it. Most aftermarket (not all), are more focused on snazzy looks.
I am somewhat ashamed to have to say this, but a couple months ago, I took my 4" 629 out (the one that USED to have those gorgeous Rosewood Hogues with the finger grooves), shot three cylinders full of old school factory .44 mag through it and plum had to STOP! The recoil on those grips (Rosewood is pretty, but hard as woodpecker lips) was transmitting right through and killing the whole area at the web of my thumb and trigger finger. I right away took those off and stuck some of the Hogue Tamers on, the new pattern they make that somehow manages to fit new S&W N, L and X rd butt frames. You can see the cushioning hollow compartment in the back.