13 or 26 round mags for the Glock 21/30/41 work very well. I have a few of both from Gunmagwarehouse.What Glock magazines will work in a LC Carbine in 45ACP ? Mainly I'm wondering if the magazines For my Glock 30 will work in the LC?
I second @GunnyGene I am running both 13 and 26 rd mags without issue.What Glock magazines will work in a LC Carbine in 45ACP ? Mainly I'm wondering if the magazines For my Glock 30 will work in the LC?
Btw, gunmagwarehouse has a 10pack of the KCI branded 26rnd mags for $149.I second @GunnyGene I am running both 13 and 26 rd mags without issue.