I want to swap the rear insert on my 35 whelen hawkeye. The lipseys guns come with the folding sight. I want to swap to the express v type on the hawkeye alakans and most Africans. I called Ruger this morning and lady said no deal. My rifle can only receive parts it shipped with. Ultimately i suggested, well I lost my rear sight on a different gun that had the v rear, and she said she was onto my ethically incorrect behavior and would not offer anything to me. It seemed ridiculous. Ruger sells parts such as bisley blackhawk hammers that people modify to fit non bisley grip frames but will not sell me a rear sight insert that makes zero safety issue of any kind. I guess im going to call back and start with the other gun because its the only way I know to get what I want. I would change the entire Ruger base if I knew what would work. NECG makes great rear sight inserts but all fit larger 16mm about 5/8" dovetail. I appreciate any insights.